Without this transformation, Europe will not survive

>without this transformation, Europe will not survive.

What did Barbara Lerner Spectre mean with these words?

Attached: barbaraspectre.jpg (250x340, 97.35K)

>without this transformation, Jews will not survive.

But that's not what she said, she said Europe.

She means their neoliberal capitalist system would not survive. Consumerism depends on constant growth.

she means to deceive Europeans because that statement is not true.

Could society really survive if nobody wants to do the jobs immigrants are doing?


They aren't immigrants or working.


Attached: brainlet.jpg (460x416, 25.7K)

More men need to transform into trans women ^_^

Attached: 1653003988954.png (500x500, 456.84K)

Jews can't survive or thrive in a homogeneous, united white population
Jews flood white population centers with non-whites
Jews become one of many in multiculturalistic enclaves
Divide and conquer

Imagine being the 3% of men.

built for BAC big Auschwitz chimney

Computer, run the data again but don't include white men.

Literally who

She meant.

>If we don't flood all stable western countries with human chaos. Than these countries won't collapse, and we won't be able to one world government this sombitch.

some swedish lady


Attached: whites.png (1000x743, 45.69K)

>White race

If Europeans won't get rid of themselves through immigration, then Plan B is to use nukes and sterilize the continent, hence no more Europe

Europe was the jewish name of the lands of the white man, given after they seized some degree of power over it. Prior to that it was known as Christendom. If the jews remain and have their victory, their degenerate 'Europe' will survive.

When we purge the parasite in the name of God; Christendom shall return.

Euros aren't reproducing, immigration of feral primitive sex crazed niggers and ethncs is the only way

That Jews are trying to destroy racial homogeneous zones so they can easily divide and conquer the whole world while everyone is too busy trying to protect what little they have

they are smarter than you and you deserve to be conquered for being a homophobic fascist

Just another evil khazar that serves the devil.
Nothing new under the sun.

christians are the evil ones

i bet she still has a tight virgin ashkenazi asshole. i want to fuck it so bad bros.