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According to the spread sheet I just whipped up, niggers.

I doubt Mary not having a computer will raise the crime rate. Jamal not having a pre frontal cortex on the other hand..

Mary should probably not wait until the last minute to get her work done. Lazy cunt.


>apes can write three essays in an hour
bix nood muhfuggin bindu bada raciss ass esse

>muh socioeconomic factors
>commits rape

Based leaf

>niggers will give a child a human name like Mary instead of Mariyunika or some monkey shit

If Mary sucks cocks for 50$ each how many cocks will she have to suck in order to buy a laptop?

What bullshit. They get free laptops from school they either destroy or sell.

This is valid. I work with black people who don't have internet at home. People don't realize the effect of systematic racism in america and how the past effects black populations today.

Practicing handwriting reduces crime.

Attached: smartpepe.png (2020x1895, 1.31M)

>three essays to write in one hour
Mary was never going to get those done. She procrastinated. You can write an essay without a computer. Write it all out longform and then transfer it. If mary were prepared, she would have plenty of time left to type out her essays. The crime rate in New York will be much higher in 2050. Lets not pretend it’s because mary only has access to a computer for like 5 hours a day thanks to living near some of the best libraries in the United Statss.

Just go to a fucking Starbucks for free wifi...lazy Niggers

Indeed, this Jewish man did some investigating and discovered a massive disconnect between expectation and reality.

Your all laughing but I have a 1000 word essay due in a week and I don't know what to do.

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fucking Chromebooks are like computer candy they are so fucking inexpensive. And they do every basic office thing you need them to do. fucking word processor? even at the worst you pick up a used Chromebook for under 50 and use a basic text app.

even the niggeriest schools give out those chromebooks like candy these days.

I remember being a freshman in college and turning in hand written essays. The professors didn't care too much, just let me know that the computer labs were always available. I was just too lazy to go to them

Just write nigger 1000 times. Instant A+

Guys, what this is saying is that poor people are dangerous.
And statistically who are generally the poor?

This sign is based.

We must remove the poor people. Turn them into peopleburger to counter the food crisis.

You can buy a chrome book for like 200 bucks. Hell you can get a pi 4 setup for 50.

Mary will have little niglets out of wedlock. They'll raise the crime rate.
>Abortion=Crime stoppers

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Is Mary a nigger?

economic guilt tripping has broken any reasonable discourse about blacks lol
even long covid is racist

You could just write ten 100 word essays instead.

Mary knew when the due dat was and should have planned better to have the time on a computer to write them. In fact she could have spent her time writing them in pen on paper then just typed them into the word processor if time on PC was limited. Improvise, Adapt, and Overcome.

i will buy her a bic pen and a few sheets of paper same as i had in 1989

>tfw my crackwhore mother and nonexistent father didn't buy me dat runescape machine 20 years ago so I decided to start raping people on the subway

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Hot spot from their Obama phones?

Obama phones didn't really do much for pure data like that. The Biden admin tho came in with a project that does. So they could potentially do it now.