What are the chances of a backlash forming against social conservatism?

What are the chances of a backlash forming against social conservatism?

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If the history of Germany in the 1930's is any indication, a backlash against troons, faggots, and groomers is far more likely.

Where are the Nazi's now?

Zero. People are looking for any reason to stop tranny and gays from their vile rampaging.

>What are the chances of a backlash forming against social conservatism?

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Turns out they might've been the good guys all along

That's not really the point of my post

W a i t i n g

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Look up Magnus Hirschfeld and his Institut für Sexualwissenschaft. Don't try to groom kids and people won't become hostile to you

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My point was that there was a backlash against naziism, which was a backlash against weimar.
This thread is about backlashes... are you guys even capable of rubbing two neurons together or what?

4th reich when?
>inb4 2 more sneeds

This. The pendulum is swinging and it will swing fast.

backlash against antihumanist faggots trannies jews vegans and minorities is nigh

Is it swinging with non-right wingers? I'm not sure.
And again, pendulums don't stay in one place forever

The thread is about backlash against that kind of rhetoric and action against 'faggots trannies jews' etc

I think I'll just give up

I was aware of that.
If you give up after six posts, you won't get very far when it comes to stopping our backlash.

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Social conservatism is the counter-culture now.
So you're asking the retarded question of if there will be counter-counter-culture. AKA the establishment.

Without the necessary money to make pleasure chasing lifestyles free from consequences, Conservatism is projected to make a fierce comeback. So some weird stuff could happen and somehow everybody gets rich, which is extremely unlikely, and everyone can go back to being Hedonists.

No there wasn't. There was a war.

>Gays just want to be left alone in their private bedrooms

Biggest political lie of the 1990s and 2000s.

extremely likely. people dismiss conservative points because theyre usually rational issues instead of our mass hysteria issues. now that conservatives are adopting modern hysteria to press their concerns more aggressively, there will be major pushback against them by people who believe they should monopolize popular culture.