Why do we still tolerate them?

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>greek flag

You lack the balls to trigger a race war and fear retaliation

Stfu, you decendant of Europe's genetic rejects, religious nuts, paupers and criminals. Without Greece we'd all be sucking Muhammad's dick.

What? Learn English before using it.

Black people are pretty cool we just need more preventative policing and less bail bond reform. Gangsta culture is a globalist scam to distract from banking culture.


destroy capitalism and you won't be forced to tolerate niggers, faggots and women rights anymore

*jews control the military

Or your own rights even. Who needs freedom of speech, right?

Lol tranny
Back to the jungle

The world is still an eye for an eye.
Are you willing to throw away your own life to take a nigger's?
Are you willing to die to kill a single wolf from a pack?
Most people don't, they value their own lives too much for such a thing. They just hope others will do the work for them.

Purely socioeconomic factors. Democratic governance was a mistake.

I'm a dude and was born a dude my dude. Just like the dudes and love it makes you angry.

Low testosterone. Small penis. You can just push white men around all day and they wont do shit.

What's going to happen to these welfare recipients when the crisis hit?

Most whites are brainwashed pussy cucks.

Grow up faggot

The same reason we tolerate you filthy greeks.

Second commandament or something like this.

Never had problems with tgem in russia, they are just tools - used or locked up in safety from normal people.