Fucking gross I hate trannies

Fucking gross I hate trannies

Attached: Screenshot_20220618-153217_Twitter.jpg (1080x753, 354.6K)

Attached: 1654620704269-1.gif (370x377, 1.96M)

Maybe instead of obsessing over Trans people all day...

Attached: pol incels destroyed.jpg (720x802, 109.87K)

three colors
two controlers

You do realize that trans people grooming kids has nothing to do with getting a girlfriend right?

EDP445 is that you?

What’s good ma nigga

>average looking guy
>no car, even with a job
Yeah, can't do that.

They don't realize that. They project.

if u hate them so much why are you following them on twitter?

Attached: 1653937548308.gif (255x241, 1.55M)

I haven't seen people as obsessed with identity paraphernalia as the alphabet folk. Obsessed with flags, icons, words, labels... Biggest nerds on Earth and won't shut up about it.
The death of Tumblr was like the death of Qadafi. It opened the flood gates.

In what world is that gif even funny? Who the fuck hurt you?

Fuck you

Most trans people try to force rape too especially on Reddit and Twitter

You literally sent a image 6 mins ago about projecting
Then when we do it’s a problem

Rules for thee but not for me

but trannys are incels


trannies are incels that couldn't get girls

In what world is it ok for you to send memes and images but it’s not ok when we do it?


Who the fuck hurt you?

Fuck you (sad face emoji)

It's super funny wdym?

Stop it you bigots

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Oh no
You don’t get it
Fag user can project
But we can’t because we’re bad
It’s over bois

the gif is good because art imitates life


Attached: devolution.png (843x541, 441.77K)

>be me
>400+ years of white going back to england
>shitposts on 4chins for 15 years
>married to white woman and have white kids
ywnbaw frozen faggot wannabe

Trannies are literally incels who just choosed the easy way out. The incel Trans pipeline is well known.

That's what happens when you kill core identities like nation and religion. People go for the other options like their fetishes and mental illnesses to be the new representative of themselves.