Redpill me on gypsycrusader, Pol

Why the fuck did this guy suffer fate even worse than sam hyde ?

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Bump you faggots


he had a weapon hidden. but really the jews didnt like his streams

Went against the narrative and is not jewish. Also, Sam can hide his power levels

retard who got assaulted by other retards and to fit in with the beergut proudboys became a racist hipster. instead of being a man and going directly against the people who threatened and assaulted his family he went on omegle pointing guns saying nigger to randos.

He was a shitskinned turkroach who upset the autists on bitwave by bogging the site down with his thousands of underage fans. He made the mistake of posting his Boogaloo loadout and they came and raided him.

Great man, a bit of a sperg but hilarious. Handsome Truth and Aryan Bacon also great men.
OP is a kike.

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because he became a thing with the young people because he was not just hating niggers, he did teach morals, how to fight, life lessons and so on and so on.

Also like Martinez Perspective he redpills a lot of people in funny and smart ways.

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he apparently sold drugs when he was younger or sm, I don't know the story, it was never revealed. But because of it he was unable to buy a gun. Again, I think it will be more aparent once he gets out of jail and then we should ask him how it was. I wouldn't trust fbi niggers to tell how it was.

don't you have to drink blood from palestini children dicks?

>Why the fuck did this guy suffer fate even worse than sam hyde ?
sam hyde is a basedboy eceleb
gypsycrusader was actually based and he fought back the system

This. He was what Spic Fuentes and Kami should have been. Kami had a few moments in his streams where he did make coherent arguments and put forward valid points, but that was all dorwned out in his degeneracy.

no but i'm sure you'd love to groyper groomer

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it is coming, disgusting demon.

your ass is disgusting.... dumbass mofo. i'm flipping handsome.

I can't see what you are saying since it's filtered.

he hada felony or something before
which means he was a second class citizen
welcome to america.
don't go to jail, even for something stupid you never end up paying for your crimes. and then jews leverage it against you to put you in jail when you make them upset.

another attention whore mindbroken :)