Tfw when you judge someone based on their race and not their actions

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And yet its ok for people to think I'm a creepy weirdo just because I'm bald and short?

brown people belong in their own country.

Tfw you judge them on their actions and the results are just the same as judging them by their race

At least I’m still alive

Explain for me the concept of “white flight”

Then talk to me about being racist

Prejudice is merely a heuristic we form through pattern recognition, which is a primary component of crystal intelligence. Since it is impossible to know everyone you meet on an individual level, you must apply these heuristics to process the enormous amount of data involved in navigating the world around you. Thus, if you know black males between the age of 16 and 45 are 25 times more likely to assault you, you will cross the street to avoid walking through a group of them alone at night. If you don't, you're either ignorant of the data, too stupid to recognize the patterns within the data, or so indoctrinated that you can see the patterns but ignore them. This is racism, an emotionally charged rhetorical term applied to natural pattern recognition.

To "transcend labels and limitations", we'd essentially have to become the Borg collective.

And yet all these racists support Jesse Lee Peterson, Malcolm X and Louis Farrakhan. Clearly we actually do give individuals a chance to buck the trend.

The trend does however exist. Humans have the greatest pattern recognition abilities in nature, it is what us makes us so intelligent relative to many other animals, it is what allows us to adapt to different environments, it is how we learn. Pattern recognition, or stereotyping; is what makes us intelligent. Yes, exceptions exist and we can allow for that; but to ignore patterns is to render yourself into an idiot.

Think! Think for yourself you retarded farm animal. Stop trusting your farmer.

I have aggregated enough IRL interactions with brown "people" to confirm beyond any shadow of a doubt that they are subhuman savages

so seethe away you nigger faggot

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Jews have always been judged on their actions, but they like to pretend it was their noses.

Nope, I can tell you a persons views on a whole variety of topics just by their skin color.

>tfw you judge somebody based on their actions and not their race but because they so happen to be black by coincidence you get canceled for being a racist

Show flag, nose and skin colour

When you let goblin children live because they might be good goblins.

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Having grown up around niggers, I judge them based SOLELY on their actions. Such detestable creatures. I could go on and on about why niggers fucking suck.
Mexicans bring crime and filth with them, they are thieves big time too.
And I have met many kikes as well, each one is as greedy and nasty to me as the next. I ALWAYS call them out and tell them I know what they are.
We have reasons for why we feel the way we do about certain people, most of us were not raised inherently “racist” (I hate using that made up ADL term) and became so through interactions with said races.

>one sentence

Here we go

its called recognizing patterns

I bet OP judges white people based on their race. Lol.

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I profile based on race and judge based on actions

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so your making fun of the Knesset? u fucking nazi

You faggots hate nazis because of their symbol, that is even funnier