Have you guys checked it out yet?

Attached: ShowersWithJoe.png (2100x1701, 2.14M)

Other urls found in this thread:

Bumping for interest

yeah like a year ago
tldr; Joe's a pedo and he fucks his kids
in other news the sky is blue and water is wet

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>Look at me
>I am the media now

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Joe Biden would take inappropriate showers with his daughter, Ashley. The Bidens are shitting up my area because they moved the family members to the area. His brother Francis drives around in a Corvette Stringray with a Talbot Country crest attached to the wheel like an asshole.

Attached: 1655342576924.jpg (720x1280, 139.49K)

hunter biden was abused by his father

rare and underrated

This might be a joke to us but every time you see these things you should consider that there are Boomercons in America who take this seriously. What a silly people.

looks like bona-fide soul-searching
I thought only computer kids do that
>what do we know
>bullet lists
>how valid are the conclusions we can draw
>I can't remember specifics but
How old was Ashley at the time? Perhaps she should learn how to code and doesn't even know that she got the right stuff.

they are trying to slide this thread

Attached: biden-joe.gif (220x122, 321.94K)

its 100% real

Attached: same girl.jpg (1155x848, 190.39K)

This is a dairy from 2020 iirc
Left at a womens home and found by the next person staying there

There is a small council of jews that sits adjacent to your government that has veto power on literally everything you see and hear. You're kike-owned niggercattle. Have been since we made the mistake of conquering you during World War 2.

>Have you guys checked it out yet?
yeah like 2 years ago

It's funny, people used to write down their private thoughts in a secret diary, now they post it on twitter and facebook for the world to see.

bad day for biden bros

Are there actually any though?

just the bot boys and troons

>This is a dairy from 2020 iirc
Crack researcher that I am I have it from wikipedia that Ashley was 19. Thanks. (Older than me or my homeys.)
>Left at a womens home and found by the next person staying there
Glad you said that because I don't understand why all the fuzz is starting now. Pages like OP/picrel were posted to HB dick threads in october 2020 for some reason. I didn't pay attention so I don't know where the pages where from, but I think Guo Wengui (criminal yacht-buddy of criminal Bannon) released them with other incriminating material. The threads contained references to a 2019 thread opened by some bitter individual who was perceived as shitposter at the time but became vindicated in Oct 2020.
No mention of Ashley, though. Crack-researcher I am, I checked with Ctrl-F.

>were posted to HB dick threads in october 2020 for some reason.
because it was already in the wild 2 years ago

> now they post it on twitter and facebook for the world to see.
Gee I wonder why the whole internet looks so beautifully luminiferous all the time.

> in the wild 2 years ago
It took foxnews 20 months to figure this out? Someone tell Tucker to plant a staffer for lurking on this board for getting an edge.

Attached: Nats (1).webm (576x1024, 1.2M)

>It took foxnews 20 months to figure this out?
FBI didn't want MSM talking about it
bad for business


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That's a pretty good recipe for making a whore or a lesbian. Or a lesbian whore

>we made the mistake
Your country was founded by Jewish Freemasons; you've never had a choice in a matter.

Why is no one talking about this? And the fact that MSM (fox) actually did piece on it? Calling the FBI literally gustapo and how the whole DoJ is controlled by Biden and dems? I know it's a year old but it is actually being reported long now, the general public has to see it.

It's real

I've never seen actual pages from the diary posted here or a link to the full thing. I'm assuming there's others who haven't seen it either. The life of a presidents daughter documented in her own words is the kinda shit historians obsess over. Finding out how fucked up they all are and why seems important.

>Calling the FBI literally gustapo and how the whole DoJ is controlled by Biden and dems
The whole government is comprised with Marxist agents for picrel

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Stand among the ashes of a trillion dead souls and as the ghosts if their god protected them.