How did republicans convince the average right winger to vote for them? They do absolutely nothing for you...

How did republicans convince the average right winger to vote for them? They do absolutely nothing for you. Say about the left what you want, but at least their party does exactly what they want, even if it's fucking retarded. The republicans do fuck all except for sucking israeli cock. Where is the true american right wing party that represents you?

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They've done more for me than any democrat ever has. The left never delivers on is promises to workers. Only its promises to zog.

Democrats have the House, Senate, and Presidency yet all they do is blame Republicans that they can’t get shit done. It’s so bad even Karen’s are noticing. I hate Republicans but I hate Democrats more so I vote Republican

>How did republicans convince the average right winger to vote for them?
They didn't. They are the party of yesterday's left. Their base consists entirely of leftists who think the left has gone too far. This is what you actually mean by "the average right winger".

Neoconservative political thought started out as this on the part of marxists who backed trotsky and turned against the USSR once stalin had him killed.

>Mostly Jews, they advocated left-wing politics but were also firmly anti-Stalinist.
>The group is known for having sought to integrate literary theory with Marxism and socialism while rejecting Soviet socialism as a workable or acceptable political model.
>Trotskyism emerged as the most common standpoint among these anti-Stalinist Marxists.
>Irving Kristol, Irving Howe, Seymour Martin Lipset, Leslie Fiedler and Nathan Glazer were members of the Trotskyist Young People's Socialist League.

>Some, including Kristol, Hook, and Podhoretz, later became key figures in the development of Neoconservatism.
The right has been dead in the US since WW2. The post WW2 era is the era of neoliberalism vs leftism.

The simple and universal reality of politics is that the leftwing is the side of giving power to the people, the rightwing is the side of giving power to the "elites", "bourgeois", "wealthy" or whatever term you want to label them. ("Jews" in the case of most of Any Forums, but I totally condemn that sort of antisemitism and you should really try to move past it)

Thing is, most people don't know this. Most people don't have the deep political education on these issues. Least of all rightwingers. Least of all people on Any Forums. People on Any Forums are some of the lowest info voters on the planet. Almost no one here has an education.

So all they see is two sides yelling loudly at one another, and a lot of education people talking funny with big words on the left. So it's very easy for the rightwing to swoop in with a campaign ad of them shooting guns, or running around in hunting gear, or something else that signals "ordinary rural good ol boy" and gain their trust.

The main tool they use for gaining trust of the rightwing uneducated masses though, is racism. Whispering a little racism in an ordinary person's ear will get them to trust you. Or bigotry. Anti-gay stuff. Whatever.

Note this all over Any Forums. People say "omg he said nigger, so based" and stuff like that. Or if someone does an antisemitic dogwhistle you post "OMG HE'S /OURGUY/"

Because you don't really understand anything else. You don't understand politics, science, economics, anything. You only understand your own bigotry at the end of the day

The thing is your childish fantasy isn't real life.

I very much assure you republicans are not "yesterday's left" jesus christ. They're yesterday's Bush supporters. Or Reagan supporters. We've done this whole thing many times in the USA. It's always the same. Rightwingers convince poor uneducated rural slobs to vote against their own economic interests on the basis of some imaginary "culture war". That's what Reagan, Bush, Romney, McCain, Bob Dole and Trump all were

I'm not telling you to vote democrat, but you are trapped in a 2 party system where neither party stands for what you believe in.

That's nice on paper, yet you have the left these days advocating for more government spending to make their people more reliant on them while also sucking off big corporations and attempting to limit your rights through those corporations.

OK lol if you say so

>That's nice on paper, yet you have the left these days advocating for more government spending to make their people more reliant on them while also sucking off big corporations and attempting to limit your rights through those corporations.
LMAO yeah your post is like peak the total point of what I was talking about in the post prior.

Yeah, god forbid the left advocate for social programs to actually help Americans, right? Clearly the people who want to take those social programs away and slash the taxes on the rich are the good people

Hey boomer Joe, it's time to leave.

>>That's nice on paper, yet you have the left these days advocating for more government spending to make their people more reliant on them while also sucking off big corporations and attempting to limit your rights through those corporations.
>LMAO yeah your post is like peak the total point of what I was talking about in the post prior.
>Yeah, god forbid the left advocate for social programs to actually help Americans, right? Clearly the people who want to take those social programs away and slash the taxes on the rich are the good people
Also it's like you say "sucking off corporations" like you clearly do not know what "the left" is. You are the peak example of that uneducated slob who gets conned into voting against his own economic interests for racism and bigotry and some fake retarded "culture war"

How very nice of you to ignore the part about taking your rights while they are at it. Also how does government spending work out for you these days with inflation hitting record highs?

Jews are literal child molesters they cut kids on the dick. You are supporting them and are therefore a child molester. Non anti semites are by definiton child molesters.

Satanic logo

That's the thing, "taking your rights away" like you just have no idea what you're talking about. You are the prime example of the sort of person I'm discussing in the posts above.

Government spending works out great. You need to stop cutting taxes on the rich. Government spending is good. Social programs are good. Republicans also spend more than anyone else, they just refuse to spend on the American people.

They're still spending, though. Trump spent more than any president before him. Signed omnibus bills and 2 or the 3 stimulus

Breads & circuses will keep everyone in a perpetual stupor. It will only get worse.

Yeah that's great retard

I'm 99% sure you are a bot, considering what fucking thread you are in, but still attacking trump. I am asking people why they would vote republican, yet you pretend I'm some sort of fan of fucking trump. You are mentally disabled and the only saving grace for this country is that people see the direct result of giving you power. The bad part is that they'll vote for the other retards because nobody actually represents them.

"Average right winger" doesn't have any alternatives in the US since it's a two party system. Anyone tries to change that - the donkey and the elephant team up on them with all their connections and finances. It's basically the same if we had two "United Russias" with slightly different agendas, but essentially the same interests one of which is to keep everyone else from places of power. But here it's different. We have all kinds of parties, including actual Nazis pretending to be democrats, old communists who are actually socdem now and new radical communists who want to bring back Stalin's times. And then there are all kinds of liberals, conservatives, centrists and Putin's bureaucrat party ofc. And before he started trolling us every damn election we used to be much more democratic than the US. And we still are in terms of inner political diversity.

Yes user. Anyone with eyes can see the left is the party of the corporate elite now. You're living in a fantasy.

If you reverse it it says "ju"

What has the left given you? Muslims rapists and cuckoldry?

You are a fan of Trump, you just don't know it. Listen, like all rightwingers you are an angry, uneducated, paranoid man who is profoundly distrustful of other humans. You're not different from the others.

So you think "omg Hitler was different than the republicans!" except he wasn't. National Socialism was just the GOP. Same difference. They weren't socialists. They didn't have any socialist policies. If you've been led to believe they did then you got lied to by rightwing propagandists.

"Libertarians", MAGA, GOP, Nazis, neoconservatives. Bushism, Reaganism, Bob Dole-ism. Any label you want to put on it it's all the same BS but as I spoke above with rural uneducated people they don't know about anything really, they don't know what politics, history, society, sociology is because they don't have any education

>You are a fan of Trump, you just don't know it. Listen, like all rightwingers you are an angry, uneducated, paranoid man who is profoundly distrustful of other humans. You're not different from the others.
>So you think "omg Hitler was different than the republicans!" except he wasn't. National Socialism was just the GOP. Same difference. They weren't socialists. They didn't have any socialist policies. If you've been led to believe they did then you got lied to by rightwing propagandists.
>"Libertarians", MAGA, GOP, Nazis, neoconservatives. Bushism, Reaganism, Bob Dole-ism. Any label you want to put on it it's all the same BS but as I spoke above with rural uneducated people they don't know about anything really, they don't know what politics, history, society, sociology is because they don't have any education
And so what it comes down to for them is the person who stands with a gun and shoots it in a campaign ad, while softly whispering some racist or bigoted dogwhistle, gets their trust.

They go "thas my guy! I trust him! he's an american and he hates the same people I hate!"

>2 party system
actually we have six parties

>the left is the party of the corporate elite now.
LMFAO. Fucking rightwing education at work, folks