You ever think when you see stuff like this

You ever think when you see stuff like this
>”wow, this man’s ancestors outsmarted, outfought & enslaved then colonized the ancestors of this other man. Now he’s getting fucked in the ass by him while he’s being chemically turned into a woman”

What would the French of just a 100 years, nay even 70 years back think when watching this video? Imagine their shock and how incomprehensible it would be to them. How could things even get so wrong?

Attached: 4BC334F6-C436-45BB-A095-3CE839E2A44C.jpg (1125x810, 123.27K)

>iphone fag + sweden flag watches interracial tranny porn
lol how typical

Chances are his ancestors didn't have anything to do with it or fought to help free slaves. Maybe some of his ancestors even died trying to free them, about as likely as them being slavers.

Don't know what's funnier. The fact that he's french
Or this

French have always been degenerates, his ancestors would be proud

imagine the smell

>French have always been degenerates, his ancestors would be proud

Attached: 523523424234234.gif (498x498, 106.98K)

>still watching porn
>having this kind of shit pop up on recommended

Jfc Swedes really are cucks. All the real men of your country left and settled in Eastern Europe 1000 years ago.

Keep talking like that and the next Deluge will make the first one look like Christmas

Attached: C2E7FAB3-4C41-4021-84A6-EEFECB2C447D.jpg (1569x1263, 306.78K)

Nick we know it's you. Drop the VPN

Quebecois spotted

Oui! Quebecois de souche. My province could take your entire country in a week. Special military operation incoming.

>chemically turned into a woman
U wot, vaggot?

Attached: wtf_bailey_jay.jpg (300x229, 21.85K)


Why of course, using black men as a human dildo is offensive and racist. Overweight white women get up to this kind of nonsense as well. How degrading. To relegate "Kangs" to the status of a human dildo. Oh the racism.

i cannot think of anything sadder than this

Yeah its wrong, we are the ones meant to be on top of niggers

What do you think happened to Rome? If you lose your edge, you get conquered. Simple as. It was up to us to maintain this empire our forebears forged for us. We failed them, ourselves, and our children. But I hope you beat that video game user, it was really important. I hope you came hard to the porno. I really hope you helped Schlomo make more mountains if money today at your wagie job. It wasn't a waste of your one life. It all really, really matters.

Ok now shut up and post the link

so that's what this is all about then? you're commuting white genocide and the nazis were right? good to know. thanks for bluntly spelling it out for us. I will be using this thread for propaganda in the future. again thank you for your service toward a brighter future for planet earth.

>What would the French of just a 100 years, nay even 70 years back think when watching this video?
hmm, something along the lines of "oui oui, give 'im some meur ov ze absinthe anz prepare ze next niggeur"?

damn, that's hot

No I don't think that.

That man's ancestors were at best scheming rats. Much more likely they were degenerates like him.