If the Germans were so "superior" then why did they lose WWII??

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all fields

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Because they didn't genocide the Anglos

If the jews were "superior", why did they die of Typhus in labour camps?


Specifically it was because they lacked the manpower to defeat the USA/USSR and UK plus the fact Japan was dicking around in China instead of invading soviet asia and italy was just retarded in general. When they lost their access to black sea oil they had no ability to win. Hitler fucked up the timing- if he had moved faster or even just sucked Stalin's cock and focused on the West he would have won because a German Europe would have been strong enough to defeat a Soviet offensive in the 1950s.

Because they weren't unhinged monsters that bombed recklessly and without regard for art, monuments churches and the beautiful landscape and city.
They didn't send their soldiers charging in to machinegunfire unarmed until the machineguns ran out of ammo and left.
They valued beauty, they wanted theor soldiers to fight honorably, like knights, they wanted to perserve the beauty of even their enemies, their cities, their people and their culture.
This was their doom.
You cannot reason with anglos, jews and mongoles.
You can only destroy them so thst something more beautiful can take their place.

Because their Fuhrer was a kike puppet and sabotaged Barbarossa every step of the way
But yes they were superior, that fighting force was the greatest ever assembled in history, by some distance

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Because of the insane disparity in man power plus resources, I fully believe they would have won against the USSR without US support, the industrial might from beyond the pond was just too much, before the aid started coming in germans won basically every battle

"Twelve mangy dogs can kill a lion"

Allies barbarically used scorched earth policies and bombed/firebombed civilians day & night

Because Kikeler's goal was never to win, but to ruin Europe and prepare the continent for an Amerimutt takeover.
The game was rigged from the start.

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With 60+ million Whites slaughtered along the way and nationalism discredited for generations to come as a bonus.

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Brainlet retard.
Stalin orders you to charge my penis unarmed until i run out of cum.

In the zone where we aren't talking about how the jews did it as a plot to ruin germany or how the germans were meanies who hurt muh jews, the japanese and germans are still known to have done basically the same thing to london and chinese cities. Total war means total war not "I get to bomb you and you can't fight back".

Based Rusbro
Very rare for Russians to be aware of this

Hitler wanted to conquer the world and talked about global conspiracies, he made the whole world his enemy himself.

No one says the Jews are superior

Maybe if Russians did something against their bolshevik kikes overlords killing them Germany wouldnt have to invade Russia.

The spider is superior to the ant yet many ants will overwhelm the spider.




Aryans can and will build a better world than shitskins or chinks

>they should have done something!
So should you, but you don't. Pathetic fucking cuck
In any case the game was rigged from the start and Germany and the USSR were always going to war no matter what

so in the end the spider is not superior because it will lose the battle

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Went on a roman inspired larp through Russia burning all the fields.

It's tongue in cheek memeflaggot

We fought the wrong people, user. Thanks (((roosevelt))), thanks (((churchill))).

And you get an updoot. Based Dane.

Why would I do something in the current year ? Look how you are shittalking on the man who tried to save Europe, you dont deserve a savior you are happy in your misery.

they nearly didn't
But I wonder what would have happened in Hitler didn't invade Poland.

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1 vs. all. Zerg always wins. Just like brazilian ants when exported they create mega-colonies that spread the whole world killing off 99% of native ants.
Only other mega-colony type ants can cope with them.
The same is valild for humans, even if you have a uber human, if he's going against seas of golems, is basically impossible for him to survive unless they ascend to divinity or immortality on the spot.
Numbers of unit > Tech development.
Like any strategy game, if you are underdeveloped in terms of units even with a stronger tech tree you would still lose the match.