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wE alL bLeEd rEd

Women really are into beastiality, aren't they?

Also note that pc2 has only 1/8th of effect versa pc1. East Asians and Europeans are much much more similar to eachother than to Africans.

Bad news, egalitarisisters....

Does this imply that there is an argument that Europeans and West Asians are the same, or at the least incredibly similar??

The literal opposite, you dense Leaf.

I believe that civilized primates spent approximately 1000 years breeding in monoculture in 11 cave systems around the world and re-emerged after the ice-age, however uncivilized primates in Africa survived in a more scattered way.

I've been searching for more information about the giant stone door in India (anybody remember this?) but can't find it again

Can you explain? Their dots are right over eachother.

Interesting way to think about it. Not sure if it's exactly the case, but something approximating that is MUCH more accurate than the idea than ANY other race came from Africans, which is literally genetically impossible. And not just because of this graph; Sub-Saharans' DNA is 19-20% made up of an unknown species they bred with BEFORE the Out of Africa theory suggests we left Africa that NO other race shares ANY DNA with.

Africans have a significant genetic distance from any other race. Given that is the case, they are many times more distant to any other race than any other race is to each other. Also, see

Have you misread my post? I said West Asians, not Africans.

The unknown admixture mentioned in originally came FROM West Africans. So no. They are the most distant.

blacks are not human

Perhaps you're thinking of North Africans? But they are an originally Caucasian race who have been heavily muttified in recent history.

I'm no expert in genetic graphs, but wouldn't the greater PC1 width of the african cluster indicate more overall admixture?

What makes this chart inaccurate is that it basically says the niggers are more related to us than the Abo's

I think it’s a combination of water centered isolated communities that did in fact have to escape weather phenomena and live in caves (or other structures) at times, and that this happened several times in human history. The last being Goblieki tepee where several isolated communities met again (most specifically the North Sea people with the caucuses creating “Iranians”, aka eventually indo European expansion that went east and west).

what a surprise; a leleflag that can't read graphs

Yes, actually. In fact, they have 19-20% of their DNA made up of a currently unknown species. See

Clearly shows that Africans are more related to us than Abo's

It means it's not to scale, and you have to stretch it 8 times sideways to get a visual representation of the actual distance

Attached: Untitled.png (2288x266, 245.09K)

Responders so far are retarded. Yes, Europeans are genetically similar to West Asians (Turks, Middle Easterners). You can tell that just by looking at them. Still a lot of difference though, especially between us Northern Euros.

So, maybe bunkered monocultures, while scattered survivors migrated toward Africa as things warmed back up, one of which (the missing donor) has gone extinct?

Look where African PC2 aligns in between American and Central Asian. What is that significant of?

Are most of modern persians white or mixed?

Attached: Sharbat_Gula.jpg (254x400, 38.73K)


Fuck, I totally misread your post. My bad! Yes, both Europeans and West Asians originated in or around the Central Asian Steppe, and are both genetically similar, and admired to some degree in several times past.

Either (((racism))) exists, or we aren't the same race.
I don't know how "smart" people can think that niggers are the same race as humans (whites), and still use the term (((racist))) to describe someone. Are we supposed to be the same race, or not?

It would be useful to see these clusters heatmapped over time to see migration.

>Look where African PC2 aligns in between American and Central Asian. What is that significant of?
I'm not sure that's how that works desu, since PC1 accounts for 8 times the distance of PC2

Attached: SCIENCE.png (800x1600, 600.23K)

It's subsaharan niggers that are the most genetically distant. Bantus, koisans, pgymies. Only north africans should be considered homo sapiens. We're descended from northern Ethiopians. You can see it in skull shape.

Regardless of scale, African PC2 is aligned between American and Central Asian

Attached: iq.webm (710x400, 2.59M)

And even Ethiopians were originally not black.

If that's meaningful, then the next question is "which direction over time?"

Into africa, or out of africa?
>don't kneejerk dude

Women aren't into blacks. That's a meme


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This is measuring dick size, right?

Flag checks out too