You walk into a room and see this alpha chad

>you walk into a room and see this alpha chad

what do you do?

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>take dragontooth saber
>the synapse starts playing

>bang your head on the ceiling

manlet bug

Guys on the left have hands visable and interlocked, but have eye contact. All suits buttoned. Take aim on the right as the bodies are overlapped and aim for penetrating shots. Sweep left

Wassup Beijing

especially the guys from the yellow submarine, that's not a joke at all, by all logic it's some very serious international stuff

Pull out a raid can.

Hiss then get on a table and challenge him to a game of riddles if he loses I eat him, but if he wins I show him to a safe escalator

Finally, its about time. Im ready. Hand me the gear and little potato will be mashed potatoes by this time tomorrow.

Use my 2 to 1 weight advantage to club him to death with my fat but well calloused American working class hands, in Minecraft. and by Minecraft I mean Terraria.

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I'd guess I would just stand there shitting myself like a normal person would if they found themselves in such a situation.
>inb4 "this gook don't scare me" shills

Backhand him repeatedly until he begs for mercy.

ask if they could lay pipe in my bussy and buss they nuts in my eager waiting mouth


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Sit on Xi with my fat, american obese butt.


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Ask to join Le ccp and get free tight pus
Only right answer here, also to abuse worker rights and get rich

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order fried rice and beef w black bean sauce

What would Xi want with a shut in NEET? And why is he in my house?