/uhg/ - Ukraine Happening General #3002

Prev: ▶Day: 116 - Daily battlefield assessment : isw.pub/RusCampaignJune17

>EU leaders visit Kyiv
>Ukrainian fighters inside the Severodonetsk Azot chemical plant ignored a Russian ultimatum to surrender
>US approves additional $1 billion military aid package for Ukraine
>All three bridges leading to Severodonetsk have been destroyed, as Russia tries too prevent Ukrainian defenders in the city from resupplying
>Reports as many as 800 civilians sheltering in bomb shelters under plant
>Mykolaiv Governor: Ukrainian army is running out of ammunition
>British MoD: Intense street to street fighting is ongoing in Severodonetsk, both sides likely suffering high casualties
>DPR courts sentence two British nationals and a Morrocan, captured in Mariupol, to death
>Russian Mjr General Roman Kutuzov killed in Donbas, the 11th Russian General KIA this war
>Ukrainian forces reportedly reclaim ground in Severodonetsk, inflicting heavy damage to Russian forces
>EU to ban two-thirds of Russian oil imports
>Ukrainian forces launch counter-offensive in Kherson region
>ISW: Russian invasion that aimed to seize & occupy entire country has become desperate & bloody offensive to capture a single city in the east while defending important but limited gains in the south and east
>Food shortages could cause more deaths than war, UK minister warns
>Senate passes $40 billion package for Ukraine
>War could last years, Nato warns

▶Telegram Channels

odin.tradoc.army.mil/WEG (equipment explorer)
oryxspioenkop.com/2022/02/attack-on-europe-documenting-equipment.html (tracking visually confirmed equipment losses)

▶/uhg/ OP Template

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good night /uhg/

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>To the last ukrainian

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morning /uhg/
gimme a status report

GM bros sorry for killing last thread

death to vatniggers, slava ukraini!

/uhg/ sisters i thought we were winning

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>Lithuania stops all trainway transits of sanctioned goods to Kaliningrad

Kaliningrad is fucked. Vatniggers are already seething in the replies.

What's your end game taco?

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>Vatniggers are already seething in the replies.
Fucking kek they act like trannies seriously.

Good thing they've captured a lot from the Russians lmao

Fun Fact about the T-62: An RPG can reliably penetrate the armor

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>If your enemies kill you, you win

You of all people should know this

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>some shit got blown up a Russian boat using a Bayraktar a Russian hind was blown up by azov. A missile struck something in Mykolaiv. Donbabwe warehouse with Russian ammo blown up.
Lines have not changed.

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kek, sounds like the average vatniggers alright

whats up with Medvedev? the things he's saying seem completely unhinged. He used to be more liberal, maybe he really wants to inherit Putin's position after he's gone

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thank you captain obvious, but do you mean the t62M? cause that variant has ERA stuffed up all over it

>2nd july 2021

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yep, if ukrainians kill 300 wagner cucks, the wagner cucks are winning

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Now tell me what 100 times 115 is

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That's why they keep thinking about trannies and rape.
Well, atleast I got a good laugh out of the replies. Seethe and cope ziggers.

fucking christ, it was another old article?

Why do they always post fake Twitter shit? Every dya it's some new made up bullshit story on Twitter

We just keep being based, what the fuck?????

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ERA? best I can give you is copecage

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mmm beer

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How embarrassing

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cepelinai bros we just can't stop winning

Astral period.

You'd think they'd take literally 10 seconds to reverse image search and spare themselves embarrassment.

he really wants the "conqueror" 2008 years back, he is seemingly outside of the putin's circle and wants back

Vatnigger shills? Lie? They would never!

>skirt armour that was used for t-54 and t-55
maybe you are right

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*chad shield

>taco nigger still calling cope cages chad shields

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>Karaliaučiaus sala

Bralis, you gotta up your russophobia game

Why are Russians such a pain in the ass?
Why can't they just take care of their own shit?

5- Become piss

Send all 437k Russians back, Rename the territory and give it to either Poland or Lithuania

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What is the symbolism of this?
Do they intend to get blown up by friendly fire?
Or start a coup against the Russian government?

Because they're serfs sucking on Putin's dick to survive just one day.

because vatniggers consider living in a poor shithole noble as according to them suffering as a serf builds character and makes them "better" than the decadent west. They also consider it noble to spread their suffering to other people, hence this war.

lmao Ukies keep shelling Donetsk and there is nothing vatniggers can do about it

the irony

Or better yet to Germany and make Prussia great again.

wait it happened again? what did they hit this time
besides the ammo dumps from yesterday

>more shelling in donetsk
not a good moment to be a donbawean

They've always had inferiority complex which turns into some lunatic anger. Like in Russia when they refer to other countries they always use these slang nicknames thst make fun of them