Libertarian Party is back on the Menu

There was a coup against all the Gary Johnson types and they are now anti-abortion, against open borders, and removed the poz "yay fags!" shit from their platform.

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This is the messaging of the new libertarian party. Thoughts?

Attached: New Libertarians.png (1620x1168, 579.5K)

>now anti-abortion, against open borders, and removed the poz "yay fags!" shit from their platform.
so not libertarian

So no more fat retard getting naked on stage?

Depends on your definition of libertarian. Do you vote based on blind loyalty to a term or on what you think is based. If libertarianism equals killing innocents in the womb and having no borders then death to libertarianism. What I see from the Mises Caucus is a collection of good ideas so I will support them. Trans women aren't women. Abortion is murder.

Nope, no more naked faggots! They're literally purging all the fags from the party lmao.

The abortion and immigration issues are completely independent from all other issues. They are about who gets to be a full member of your society, not how much freedom they get.

Good and based, kill all trannies and no taxes!

Every national socialists goals should be to essentially turn the libertarian party into the national socialist party but with a name that normies can handle. A national socialist party in the US has no chance because of how deeply rooted jewish propaganda is. But if we simply make the libertarian party a proxy national socialist party maybe we can save the country.

That's stupid, natsoc is at the other end of the spectrum on most issues

Not on the biggest issue. Ending the fed is a national socialist and libertarian party position.

This has been a point of cognitive dissonance for me for a while, I grew up in a neocon family, found Austrian economics in high school, was full on libertarian for years, but as I got older i realized ideology is useless unless it is implemented and libertarians are married to utopia more than effectiveness, I still am a staunch individualist but the modern world is so hyperconnected we need to kill degeneracy with fire, more lives are destroyed by tranny ideology than libertarian gripes now a days

Ending central banking is cool but not the biggest

>biden approval so low the democrats may get fucked 66-30 in the midterms, sweeping them out of 50 seats
>"hey guys we're the BASEDbertarians now, voot for us!"
>conveniently, this would entrench neocons in the republican party and deadlock congress at around 220 republicans, 215 democrats and the balance being held by neocon politicians and 'moderates'

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Why are the republicans entitled to my vote lmao? They've done nothing that makes me want to vote for them now that roe v wade is being overturned.

The Mises fags are a big improvement but they're still autistic af. I'm a soft libertarian but the problem with libertarianism is that it becomes a religion to these freaks, that they can't deviate from even when it means national disaster. Ideological thinking is a mind virus.

Member when Trump was hugging the faggot flag? Pepperridgefarmsmembers.jpg


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Abortion violates the nap. You voluntarily had sex. In the event of rape, being the victim of violence doesn't give you a pass to commit violence on a third uninvolved person. Kill the rapist and give it up for adoption.

If you believe vooting is real, then getting rid of neocons to have national conservatives/nationalists in the republican party is the fastest way to unfucking things. Otherwise you are quite literally not an alternative and only ensure neocons will manage to retain power in the USA for another election cycle, facilitating more wars and immigration which is what you CLAIM to oppose.

But we all know you're just here, again, to split the voot in a year in which Trumpoids are about to sweep congress.

libertarians are like house cats

they think they are masters of the universe but in reality they are coddled pets

Austrian economics only sought to be descriptive, not prescriptive. F.A. Hayek believed the state should provide welfare, even if this is not economically efficient. He also though fiat currency was acceptable as long as it was printed within a degree of stability. Mises, meanwhile, was pro-gold standard only because he believed the managers of fiat could not create stability in the currency, and he believe welfare causes inflation.

The libertarians, like a lot of ideologues, tend to get too focused on one aspect of life and lose perspective on the whole.

Economics is one facet of life, and free markets are just one tool in economics.

I don't think vooting is real. Still won't stop me from voting for a based fag hating libertarian candidate for the lols.

open borders is not libertarian. Open borders is globalism. You are BRAINWASHED and looking at every political ideology through the lens of it being applied on an international scale.
The whole point of libertarianism is that the government is small and its main job is to protect the country from outside forces.

>Mises Caucus

Attached: libertarianism.jpg (602x723, 221.43K)

There is no specific definition of libertarianism, a libertarian is someone who simply seeks to increase freedom (whatever form or interpretation that takes on). In the past, and still in Europe, a libertarian tends to be left wing socialist and anarchist in nature.

Most libertarians in the west are pro-open border because they believe individuals should have greater authority than any state.

What part of Mises' work do you find to be incorrect? What work in Austrian economics do you think is incorrect?

Also, Milton Friedman did not follow Austrian economics (and consequently did not follow Hayek or Mises). He was part of Chicago School Economics.

I'll pass

>*Blocks your path*
What do?

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What part of his work do you think is incorrect?

These are the people being purged

> These are the people being purged

They'll be back in due time. Libertarian ideology is very permissive by nature. Very hard to argue for "freedom" while overtly denying others the freedom to do something or be something.

So stupid it glows.