How can Russia become a global power if their economy won’t recover for another decade?

How can Russia become a global power if their economy won’t recover for another decade?

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They can always go back to serfdome. And they should.

at least they will exist unlike Ukraine

How long will our recession be?

How can the US stay a global power if your economy won’t recover at all the coming collapse?

That's gold coming from an American.
The entire world economy is fucked and all countries are going to crash and burn.

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Especially if people start ditching the USD as the world reserve currency

>Moscow Times
Fuck you glownigger

>4 months of the special operation
>can't even control Severodonetsks
Yah two more weeks until Russia wins.

Imagine ruining America and loosing tens of thousands to annex Cuba.

>loosing tens of thousands to annex Cuba.
imagine believing the numbers claimed by the likes of KYIV INDEPENDENT

What's the number according to RT?

German Gref is a globohomo left liberal asset, that explains everything he say.

Russia is making bank with these oil and gas sales, these people are fucking delusional. Just because some western corporations left Russia like coca cola and mcdonalds, it will only open the market for Russian products, since all of these factories were sold back to the state at a loss. Russia is winning this economic war and anyone saying otherwise is trying to make you believe something that's not true.

>The Moscow Times
into the trash it goes
the CEO said "if you don't do anything, then ..."

as in, two more weeks

you lost 4,500 pieces of equipment at the very list, including 1,000 tanks. you niggers are terrible at battle fighting, and you live a shit life, and you are poor, and your roads and cities look like shit, and you look like subhumans.

there is virtually nothing going for Russia at this moment

In a short term maybe. You see Chaim, Russia can't produce anything at the moment other than empty threats.

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>Russia is making bank with these oil and gas sales
When you lose your biggest and nearest customers you win at business. Gas isn't some tchotchke that you can put on a container ship and send anywhere. It takes expensive pipelines. They can move a lot gas still maybe, but selling at cut rates to China and India isn't going to make up for the business they've lost in europe. Employment figures, car sales, rising prices, tell the true story of the Russian economy and we're only 3 months into this. Russia is a gas station that doesn't produce anything itself, much less the high tech chips they're weapons systems depend on. They're entire economic plan for the future is "help us china, plz!"

Yep Russia is beyond fucked in the coming years. They have two choices: One, mobilize and go full USSR 2.0 mode but it will upset many oligarchs and they will make a military coup against Putin. Two, withdraw from Ukraine completely including Crimea and pay reparations for two hundred years which is basically slaving for the EU, not a good variant for Putin and his goons either.

Cope harder, China and India will be the middle man for Russian raw material.

Yeah, let's trust what a fucking (((banker))) has to say. Fuck me. These constant slide threads are so fun and easy to reverse it's unreal.

And they will take and keep most of the profits. Lol not sure if Russian oligarchs will like that very much.

Garbage article.