Love... Uhh... Finds a way

Love... Uhh... Finds a way...

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>Masturbate 6 feet apart
That counts as sex? I'm fucking every girl every hour then. Masturbing some feet within them!

wtf i may not be a virgin anymore, now leftists won't call me a chud anymore

>try virtual sex

We are truly living in a distopia. Our government is whack.

Try to aim for the eyes!

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This makes absolutely no sense whatsoever considering monkeypox is an epidemic in the community of faggots who have homosexual orgies in gay saunas

Good luck telling a community of men who love to lick each others anuses to stay apart, keep their clothes and avoid kissing.

>how to have sex with monkeypox:
thank you CDC, very cool

More visual propaganda against whites in the flier.

fuk u I wont do wat u tell me

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why does the picture feature straight couples and not fag couples?

Pysop. Gay sex is okay (and always will be) since it can't produce children. Straight sex though is VERY bad because that can lead to kids and we all have to do our part to avert a Malthusian catastrophe in 20 years! If you have a kid you're LITERALLY worse than Hitler.

congrats user you are now a (((well adjusted individual)))

they understand that people are degenerate fucking animals who don't really care about spreading communicable diseases

They themselves have made the most subversive globohomo art I have ever seen here.

And I remember the threads that started those.

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>all the example couples are straight

>Heterosexual couple
>Fag Pox

Try again CDC.

Attached: Sodom celebrates LGBT history.jpg (960x736, 127K) fag that knew it had niggerpox intentionally traveled from mexico to america for an orgy anyways and spread it. You wont get fags to stop. This is why rumors of HIV made by the military was spread thru fags knowing they were the perfect vector.


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