Covid19 vaccines?

Anyone here get at least 2 shots. Did any fucked up shit happen? I have an appointment to get it tomorrow and starting to feel afraid.

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Yes, everyone on pol got it. They're safe and effective.

Is Cardano legit?

>i have to get it
no you don't

of course,
listen to your very intelligent peers and do the needful

I had 2 astrazenica vaccines
Yeah I regret it
My whole town got the astrazenic at the same time, I live in a tourist hot spot. So far no dead friends to report on. I feel fine, just even more paranoid than thanks to pol.

i got heart inflammation from 1 pfizer shot. it's rare but so is the virus

>tourist hotspot

you don't have to get it. Quit your fascist job

It's a legitimate cryptocurrency
However, like all diversified assets, crypto is a hedge against a particular future that we may find ourselves in
The unfortunate thing is that future is unlikely to occur in this malthusian cycle, so like all crypto it will crash

>like all crypto it will crash
that's what i'm worried about now.

The future that crypto fits in is incredibly optimistic and essentially assumes Jews don't think of some way around it
>they already have
>it's CBDC's

also, i'm spread between Vanguard ETFs, BTC, Cardano and cash. The only think I don't have right now is land / real estate. I'm thinking about getting a little piece of land in Japan.

>assumes Jews don't think of some way around it
yeah and this is what is worrying a lot of people. if it goes to CBDs, which it will, where does that leave even BTC?

I got both shots. Felt kinda sick after the second one. That was about a year ago now I think. I'm not dead yet.

Never vaccinated, never tested, never even wore a mask. I'm going to make a fortune selling my semen to mudbloods.

Why hasnt there been any thread about Justin Bieber? He's vaxxed maxxx'd and has a paralyzed face now lmao

I got both and nothing happened. Stop believing fear tactics

user, you're in the US. Just fake it

>where does that leave even BTC?
I think that's the realization much of the crypto market is seeing
"too big to fail" has been the ideology of economists for the better half of a century, and only now are people getting a glimpse of the fact that even something as major as the world reserve currency can tank in value
If the crypto market was full of people who were actually interested in the technology as a way to get away from banking we would be fine, because it still does that
Unfortunately much of the price movement over the last few years has been almost entirely caused by speculators trying to make a profit to cash out in USD

No-shot here. I'm not getting a shot for something with a 99.9% survival rate for my age range. Just like I don't get a flu shot every year. I'm good.

Lol, why would you take this shit after its clear that covid is an obvious nothingburger and the vaxx does nothing but enrich its manufacturer.

Why wait this long then give in?

I had two shots of Pfizer COVID vaccine around December of 2021. It fucked up my heart, I basically have myocarditis. Prior to the jab I didn't have any health issues, I don't smoke or drink liquor or have any vices what so ever. If I were you, don't take the vaccine unless you have no fucking choice, you won't die, unless you push your heart to it's limit.

trump said it was awesome and as you know, we do everything trump tells us to

Attached: 1655061703465.png (781x843, 1.08M)

My friends skin did this right after. This was almost 6 months ago. Looks like monkeypox but was from the clot shot.

Attached: BFBE2AC6-637D-42DE-91F9-6A325D3300EE.jpg (600x800, 72.75K)

there was when it happened days ago

>I have an appointment to get it tomorrow
why are you getting injected with the formulation for a strain that hasn't existed in 1.5 years?