I thought democrats represent the working class?

I thought democrats represent the working class?

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Lies, damn lies and statistics.

Surgeons give more to republicans but it’s no surprise seeing as how they’re the only medical professionals that are actually worth anything.

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People who vote republican are stupid retards who vote against their best interests. If they were smart they’d vote democrat but I don’t want them to because they’re stupid inbred idiots.

>vote against their best interest
how are you able to make claim that you know their interests and what their best interest is?
what a fucking abhorrent thing to even suppose of yourself

Because I’m smart and they’re not, dickweed. Obviously what is best for them is labor camps but that will never happen.

You thought wrong. The Democrat base are the rich and corporate middle management.

clearly you're smart at all, you're an abhorrent ignorant dipshit that knows fuck all about anything.
I hope you get raped by a pack of niggers

Aw are you upset? I’m sorry you have no place in the world. It must be hard being poor and unwanted.

Dems the party that was born from those who lost the civil war and they still treat citizens as slaves

Both parties represent big corporate interest and not the working class. The only reason to pick one or the other is if you hate abortions or whatever


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>I thought democrats represent the working class?
That was 50 years ago.

What year do you think it is?
>t. eater

Mein Kampf, Adolf Hitler.

Look, a dividing line between the educated and retarded.

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they are all retarded for giving money to political parties

people like you deserve the quickest hastily death available.
every beat of your life causes harm to others.

Even you can't think this is a good attempt at trolling. You sound more retarded than a twitter user.

>business owner
Make sense. I got yelled at by someone who was driving a truck. Right wingers are unskilled faggots and aggressive.

This. The only reason I vote Democrat is because I'm anti-nigger births. I do not believe this country needs more orcs.