Manlet chuds btfo

manlet chuds btfo

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Lol what is he doing if you are gonna larp as some athlete at least have a BMI below 20

why would he fight destiny?

He’s gonna get his shit kicked in

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>you are both under 6 foot and also have divorced parents

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didn't this faggot dodge samuel hyde

Yes. Wouldn’t you know it he’s now best friends with the other fag that’s scared of Hyde.

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I'm 5'4" and could kick his ass.

Is 5 7 manlet from Indian perspective? I am 5 7.

I have never seen any man who punches weaker than this weakling.

It's Friday night, why aren't you out partying with your friends lefty?

Bro sam hyde showed that faggots true colors... hes scared as a little bitch of sam and will never recover from getting punked out

Exactly. He's a pussy. He poses in his little "Antifa" shirt and talks all this shit but when Sam Hyde, a man who had his show taken off the air for being "alt-right" challenges him to a fight, he goes silent. Sam has been popular in dissident right circles for years. Hasan was given a golden opportunity to "bash the fash" in front of everyone. But he knows that the day he steps in the ring with Hyde is the day he gets his teeth knocked out.

Just be white and you mog this guy.

jesus idubbz did a serious concussion after that fight with pillow fist he look so out of it

Is he auditioning for the Rockettes?

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moobs, lol

Just looking at those three faggots makes me cringe

why would any sensible person listen to this fake commie e-celeb?


because twitch promotes him?

who fucking gives a shit if hasan has been working out, imagine caring about another dudes workout routine enough to make a thread about it.

pretty fucking gay bro.

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>creaming your jeans over a fag

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