You are just projecting

Stop using the term groomer

Attached: E90B22B5-FA60-468D-A2F4-1A3466C1759C.jpg (828x654, 82.44K)

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back in my day they taught sex ed by taking you to a garloid farm

It's overused already anyway. Pretty much anybody within a certain proximity of a child is a groomer now regardless of what they're doing

Oh the ironing

imagine being this mad you can't have secret conversations about sex with 6 year olds. fucking groomers i swear.

Attached: SKatekid.webm (720x404, 1.87M)

stop acting like faggotry is not a choice and own up to your disease.

You must secretly want to fuck spiders.

There's worse things than porn. Normalized homosexual behavior is one of those things. I'd prefer my kids saw porn. At least it's a representation of a normal human behavior.

Anybody got this groomer's mugshot yet?

ahhahahahahah the left are completely retarded and in denial.

damn thats a clean cut

very ethical

ethan ralph is following xer back to its safehouse at the travelodge on a livestream.

Right. There's a jewish television program that solely exists to teach children about centering their entire identity around what they like in and around their mouths and buttholes but I'm the weirdo. Got it.

Attached: jews_queerkidstuff.jpg (1048x736, 389.71K)

Please stop using the word 'GROOMER'
Okay, pedophiles


Here's a channel with his name
With students dance competitions in hawaii
Could the grown man in this video be him

Well I know why you posted that.

Attached: 20220617_195119.jpg (744x1015, 112.38K)


Let's learn about queer theory. :)

>Michel Foucault: Father of Queer Theory. Argued for the eradication of age-of-consent laws down to infant.
>Gayle Rubin: Wrote the founding document of Queer Theory. 50% of content in the document was in defense of "boy-lovers." She compared pedophilia to a preference for spicy food. She wrote: "Like communists and homosexuals in the 1950s, boy-lovers are so stigmatised that it is difficult to find defenders of their civil liberties, let alone for their erotic orientation."
>Walter Lee Williams: A pioneer of Queer Theory. He was imprisoned for participating in sexual activities with two underage boys and for possessing child pornography.
>John Money: Created the term "gender identity." Promoted pedophilia and had child patients that were twin boys that he forced to have sex with each other in front of him. He later forced one of them to undergo a sex change.
>Judith Butler: Most prominent queer theorist today. She wrote "So I keep adding this qualification: 'when incest is a violation,' suggesting I think there may be occasions in which it is not. Why would I talk that way? Well I do think there are probably forms of incest that are not necessarily traumatic and which gain their traumatic character by virtue of consciousness of the social shame that they produce."



>Pat Califia: Author of "Macho Sluts" and "Public Sex." She wrote "Any child old enough to decide whether or not she or he wants to eat spinach, play with trucks, or wear shoes is old enough to decide whether or not she wants to run around naked in the sun, masturbate and sit in someone’s lap, or engage in sexual acitivity." She also wrote "pedophiles should be more, not less, invested in children's lives." She advocated for the removal of age-of-consent laws, the removal of child abuse laws, and the removal of child pornography laws. She tried to argue that laws against pedophilia were biased against homosexuals because homosexuals tend to have a higher rate of pedophilia than heterosexuals.
>Allen Ginsberg: Author of "Howl." He advocated for the removal of age-of-consent laws, and endorsed pedophilia and pederasty. He was a member and supporter of NAMBLA, writing "I'm a member of NAMBLA because I love boys too — everybody does, who has a little humanity." He also wrote "Prepubescent boys and girls don’t have to be protected from big hairy you and me, they'll get used to our love-making in two days provided the controlling adults will stop making those hysterical noises that make everything sexy sound like rape."
>Peter Lamborn Wilson (Hakim Bey): Writer for NAMLBA, promoting pederasty and endorsing adults to have sex with children.
>Wolfi Landstreicher (Feral Faun): Author of "Child Molestation vs Child Love." Defender of child molesters, claiming that children's bodies possess an undeniable sexuality to them. He wrote about his desire to control and fetishise the bodies of children.
>Kiyoshi Kuromiya: Celebrated by Google Doodle this month (June 2022). Arrested for having sex in a park at 9 years old. He subsequently supported NAMBLA because he claimed to have liked his experience.

I can agree with that statement. Usually anyone whose very vocal about something has the most to hide.
That being said, the fags are definitely grooming children. No doubt about it. But they aren’t my kids so I don’t care.

So no, , I won't stop using the term "groomer." Ever. I hate the antichrist.

I remember the time they took us to the Garloid milking barn. Good times

beyond based