Welp, looks like that's it for the right-wing chances in the midterms. There's no way they can make up for this vote

Welp, looks like that's it for the right-wing chances in the midterms. There's no way they can make up for this vote.

Attached: siowfa.png (694x651, 591.45K)

They really can't make their own material, can they?

So that's why they voted on that.. very disingenuous.
Everyone knows price fixing is retarded.

>muh left wing
>muh right wing
stay divided faggots while kikes go after your kids

Republicans crashed the economy to make Biden look bad

leftoids literally can't meme and have to steal and copy off others with bootleg jokes.

I just paid almost $100 filling up my M5.

You fucking democrats are about to have a fucking situation.

I'm a registered Dem that voted for Trump.

>have 2 party system
>they’re all invested and have hands in the pockets of oil companies currently
>come up with a retarded bill that would never pass
>immigration in the bill for some reason?
>they profit of course
I know this is bait but the 2 party system is inherently corrupt. Do you think this would be happening if a strong leader with more emphasis and legislation put his foot down?

Read the fucking bill
Democrats wanted a power grab, framing it as "muh price gouging"

I ain't reading all that at the pump faggot.

imagine having no understanding of economics and the very basic concepts like supply and demand, and then blaming the people who tried to stop biden from putting government price controls on the commodity that he already destroyed.

Attached: 1640458972530.jpg (750x442, 31.75K)

Retarded CONSOOOOOMING morons like you with more money than sense always trying to keep up with the Joneses should be more upset with yourselves than some kike owned politician.

Nope. They steal ours and make it gay and unfunny.

Why no bill on food gouging? Lumber gouging?

They voted no to a non solution? And? Why don't we just go ahead and vote that everyone is millionaires while also voting that there will still be people working to serve us?

Do liberals ever think two fucking steps ahead? Do they think soundsgoodism works?

>Everyone gets 20 an hour. Sounds good, what could go wrong?
>Let's force America to reduce its dependence on oil for a greener future! Sounds good, what could go wrong?

Unironically: whomst is that

I've just been into cars for a really long time. I used work on/drive/tune Hondas/Acuras. I have 3000 sqr ft ranch house, a family, and a boat. I worked really hard and have specialized knowledge to be where I am at. I also took a lo of risks that happened to work out.

Yeah, who the fuck is that dude even?

All this pointing fingers back and forth..someone fucking did it but we never get a straight answer...Hang all these assholes and change things back to the way they were.This shit is not working.

Suck oil barren's dick mother fuckers.