Colbert crew arrested for unlawful entry into Capitol

>A CBS spokesperson confirmed to that a group filming segments for Colbert's show
>They returned again later in the day and were arrested, according to capitol police
>According to the police, the arrests 'may result in additional criminal charges after consultation with the U.S. Attorney'
>The group are facing similar charges to many of those charged with roles in the January 6 capitol riot

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Doesn't matter they were let in :D

This kike is kinda desperate after the Trump gravy train dried up

>trespassing on the Capitol is insurrection!
>no not like this

The charges will be dropped, we are in control trumplet

> my sides

>lose ratings wars to fucking Gutfeld
>go mentally insane and start treating politics like religion

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ohhh nooo how is that possible
he is like a holy man or pharoah on tv hoowww

old bobby used to write for conan. triumph carries weight on the street

Can we hang cuck Colbert for treason yet?

this, but unironically
they'll air the footage tonight

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This is a duplicate thread. We are already discussing this topic in the other thread. Please check the catalog in the future but feel free to join us there!

I legitimately find it funny and ironic how so many of these shitheads that were anti-trump and used anti-trump material to prop up their views and ratings were legitimately happy to have Biden win the election when they'd have no more Trump to cover, so their views would tank.

They really just cut off their nose to spite their face. They had 8 years of milking the anti-trump golden cow, but they cut that in half.

then all of a suddenly, for no raisin.......

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Dios mio


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and it would have been better for these kikes in the long run if Trump wouldnt have had the 2020 election stolen; the whole nation is seeing the real Obiden Democrat agenda.

la creatura

If they are let off can't it be used against prosecutors in the riot trials?

>buh they weren't muh insurrecting!1!!
It's a psyop to draw a false distinction, lay the basis for "plausible objectivity" through their teeth, while dogwhistling at you to "get fucked, lol."


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So were Jan 6 protestors. Didn't help them.


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They were told to leave. Womp womp.

I dunno how nobody ever dropped Smigel. He must have hige bodyguards with him