The bestests of goys

The most "patriotic" US movie in 20 years is about the Mutts being Israel's golem and bombing an Iranian installation.

It's so sad lol

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I want to leave, but I don't want to taint the rest of the world with my Americaness. Truly, hell is a place man makes for himself.

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fuck iran and fuck china, we'll glass Shanghai and turn it into a petco parking lot....take taiwan...take it little bitch boi bach Choi.......come onnnn can you reach? Almosssssst big a boy.

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Please just shut the fuck up you aren't even in a combat unit.

they never name who the bad guys are.
communists are stupid and should be shot and tossed in a ditch in every case.

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you ain't either
>ashamed of my American-ness
you faggot buglet

Go nato

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Oy vey oy gevalt!

chinks seethe. go watch wolf warrior 3 if you dont like it

China has places like that too.

I'm 11B retard. Go simp for child drag queens and assfucking on reddit.

says the yellow kike

Why the fuck would the Mutts bomb a "secret uranium enrichment center" in China when the Chinese openly enrich uranium in their NPPs and already have hundreds of nukes?

>stolen valor
chink shills getting uppity

at least there is a competent white guy being a hero. Do you know how fucking rare that is these days?

Shalom, shlomi tov!


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Rent free, Goy.

It’s a good movie Chang, butthurt about the Taiwan flag been put on Mavericks coat?

Tough shit

How much do they pay you to shill here, gomez?

>went free

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>It’s a good movie Chang, butthurt about the Taiwan flag been put on Mavericks coat?
Changs aren't even allowed to watch it.

>Iran wrecked
>Su-57s mogged by ancient 4th gen American planes
>surprisingly direct callout to Trump bombing the shit out of Syria with Tomahawks while staring Xi straight in the eye at Mar-a-Lago
>Mach 10 prototype CGI so realistic the PLAAF thought it was real
It was in fact a good movie. Cope.

>g g gomez
look at checking all the bullet points off the script you insect.

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This center refines premium uranium and not regular. It means that it got more neutrons, which is what atoms crave.

a neat trick is to remind boomers that america's so called greatest ally has never ever EVER provided military support to the USA in any war, ever...while not just demanding support for its own wars, but demanding america pay and americans die for its wars