Schizo Rabbithole Final Boss: the nature of our reality

Hello brothers,

I present to you three dots to connect:
1. (Rabbit hole entrance)
(Rabbithole bottom at 10:10 whenyouseeit.htm)

Mathfags and gnostics welcome
>no pagan heathens, though

Attached: Parthenon-Phi-Golden-Ratio-1.gif (640x385, 180.27K)

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Hey math / gnostic bro. Here's a hypothesis that resolves flight times on flat earth. Most retards on this board can't even imagine alternate topologies, but I'm betting you get it.

Attached: hyperbolic_flat_earth.png (1920x2299, 1.45M)

Red shifting is impossible on this model

THAT'S your objection? I propose that we live on a hyperbolic plane with spacetime expansion from a central point, and you're countering with redshift?

>seeing through the final jewish trick

Attached: Screenshot_20220617-160206_YouTube.jpg (2280x1080, 191.85K)

left image: A to B is the orbit of an object inside a gravity well. It isnt a strait line its the result of escape minus gravity vector and the fastes way an object can go.
right image: A and B is the horizontal line of a 2d projection of the globe. Its the fastes way if you look at the real 3d model.

classic apple orange right here.

You lack imagination

read these

Glad to know at least one other person has their eyes open.

I like how the Tropic of Capricorn is bigger than the Tropic of Cancer.

Too much information without dwelling on something. He basically talks to an audience that has to stop and look up shit, and stop and look up shit.

Because those are three halfs of a circle?

You have to connect the dots, user.
1. Parthenon us curved in its construction. However we witness its straightness in reality at a great distance.
2. We see a curved computer monitor that "ideally" mirrors the degree of curvature of our (((eyeballs))) (read: reality)
3. We see the hyperbolic plane concept in the most elementary form. Including what this would look like in projected 3-dimensional space.

It seems plain and simple to me that there exists a degree of curvature in our reality due to its hyperbolic nature. This degree of curvature can be corrected for in idealized architecture (such as parthenon), or curved computer monitors to create visually perfectly square angles and parallel lines when the true object is curved I reality.

Fun fact. The Greeks destroyed that and made it look like ruins after the Turkish occupation was over

DOes it go from the outside in instead of the other way round.

Interesting so far. Have a bump fren.

Attached: Screenshot_20220617-200732_Brave.jpg (1080x603, 289.51K)

This is what I always wanted to believe. Like the end of Interstellar reversed.

You are doing it wrong.

Attached: 1551738220547.jpg (750x748, 320.73K)

You're close, but instead of thinking spatially you should be thinking temporally.

Quick rundown?

jews are meatpuppets for interdimensional entities who enslave us in this dimension via forced frequency tuning.
