
>You call randrord a kike...
>Now we are homeress…

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I'd eat that yellow snow

wow user your jokes are so funny!! :)

Slice her open and sleep inside guts.

absolutely /threadded

Based and Tauntaunpulled

>I'd warm her up with my cock, if you know what I mean

Attached: cover4.jpg (800x450, 222.37K)

>I'd put my penis in her mouth, butthole, or vagina. If you know what I'm saying hehe


I'd eat that yellow snow

Krikey, Sheila! Why in the fuck is it shitting down snow in FUCKING MELBOURNE!?

Now I miss winter.

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this board is for 18+, Timmy.

Slave mentality!
Aboslutely pathetic!
Build your own house and live with like minded people! Form a community!

Thats a man user. All according to plan?

I wouldn't be renting in the first place you fucking nigger

Your point?

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She can rub my cock so we can stay warm.

This is pic is really hot, but idk why.

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Climate change

*crimate chang

She a Q T

drink also the monkey soup.

Attached: Brazil Monkey Soup.png (1984x1708, 176.16K)


I can't stop laughing at this comment, good job user.