Russia has lost more in 3montsh than all of NATO losses in the 21st century, kek

Russia has lost more in 3montsh than all of NATO losses in the 21st century, kek

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They dont really have too many deployments

They can't win in conventional warfare. Nuclear weapons are all they have, but we have those too. They should just retreat and smoke some weed so we can finally get past this fiasco.

>129 cruise missiles
huh ? were they stolen by gypsies or are they actually counting used missiles as losses ?

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>The ma'm independent

Doesn't matter, public opinion is that the west is to blame for rising costs dumb fuck. No one cares about ukraine and you'll find out soon enough paki.

It's a real war, not bombing shepperds. You wouldn't know.

Kremlinbots deployed in full force, the desperation is real

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r a r e

Jesus Christ. This is against fucking Ukraine. Imagine if they had tried to take Finland or Poland.

>everyone who disagrees with me is a kremlinbot

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I wouldn't put too much salt on those numbers, and neither would I put much faith in Russian numbers either.
We won't know how many have been killed proper until after this is done.

>believing hohol FASD teir propaganda
imagine being this retarded

>cruise missiles
why not count all the bullets theyre shooting at you

>the queef independent

So Ukranian losses should count under Russian losses too, i agree.

It's the same when playing against Yuri - he mind-controls your troops, you kill them and still your KDA is fucked.

Attached: RA2_Yuri.jpg (640x480, 19.64K)

Topkek, these fucking retard are counting cruise missile ripping them a new asshole as Russian losses. So desperate for any kind of win to show to daddy 'Merica.

speaking of i recently realized that noone is speaking about hohols sea fleet whitch was werid
so i cheked out and turns out it was destroyed in first 48 hours
the more you know

Exactly the vatniks are in complete damage control because they’ve been exposed as weak

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kek they photoshopped ukrop losses as russian