Jesus Christ

What's the verdict on this?
Is this another instance of willful neglect to push more faggot climate change shit and push the great reset / food shortages further?

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Alright I'll come out it was me

Directed Energy Weapons I bet.

>a bunch of alive cows
hang the journalists

from the pics you can get from that place it looks like the farmer didnt have any shady places set up, kek, looks to me like faggots who didnt give a shit about their own animals

Its definitely sketchy.. I guess this area usually doesn't have so much humidity and as a result of the high humidity, the cows didn't get to cool off overnight
dunno if I buy that honestly, though it makes some sense, it seems like wayyyyy too many cows

>What's the verdict on this?
Nowhere to shade and the cows still had their heavy fur from the winter
Not unusual, just a shitty farmer

10,000 cows ain't shit compared to the 31 million others we have, wake me up when we have worse die offs. The processing plant sabotages are the real threat here.

It was heat stroke, nothing else! Look at the gas prices! Or Jan 6! Or Pride month!

I love sun dried cattle

were talking about 300 pounds of beef lost per cow on average, times 10.000

thats really not a small loss user

It's like all the destruction of bee keepers hives and equipment, guerilla warfare by the Chinese-Jewish alliance.

Meme flag damage control trying to play it off as heat stress.

Currents in the Pacific Ocean have slowed down from too much fresh water from artic melt. Its given Australia a permanent la Nina cycle (rain) and USA permanent la lino cycle (drought). No refunds.

it could also be that its sabotage user, but you can google that farm in kansas and it really just looks like an industrial cow baron not giving a shit, or the wagies working there not having prepared anything

They will create hungry rebellious people who will probably eat them.

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"eat the rich" is way more based when it's taken literally

Kansas isn't not in the middle of a heat wave though, and these cows were able to survive for decades like this. Rumor has it one of the niggers from Africa was an asymptomatic carrier of cowpox, and Kansas was one of the state Biden is trying desperately to turn blue.

The simplest and most probably answer to anything America is facing is always Kikes/Niggers.

>food shortages
You do realise there won't actually be any food shortages? Fear of food shortages is far more useful.

I thought it was meant to be literal.

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Could be made up bullshit to push the idea that there's a food shortage.
Also there's 6 million cows in america so 10000 dead really don't matter.

How did they manage to all die simultaneously of heat stroke?

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>Kansas isn't not in the middle of a heat wave though
can be a local phenomenon user, i got a few meadows only a mile or two apart and the one will cook you while the other has wind blowing through and be cool, the state not having a heatwave means nothing for a farmer if youre in a bad spot
>Rumor has it one of the niggers from Africa was an asymptomatic carrier of cowpox
is that possible ? im a sheep farmer so i dont know a lot about cow diseases, is it possible that theres human carriers ?
> and Kansas was one of the state Biden is trying desperately to turn blue.
what does that have to do with killing the cows of one operation ?