How do we stop the culture war from destroying society?

How do we stop the culture war from destroying society?

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by everyone immediately posting boipucc for me to fap to. Drop trou boyos, show me dem poo holes.

by destroying society

The culture war will end as soon as groomers don't exist

>The culture war will end as soon as nazis don't exist

Society is already destroyed.

Why would we want to preserve society? Serious question

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Dude I'm telling you...
With the absolute retards in charge of everything there isn't any stop to this.
Just protecting the borders alone and cutting back on immigration would be enough to stop at least 50% of the problems we are facing in my country today if not more.

It’s too late. Once culture wars start to grip dying societies, it’s over, the only step next is collapse and for another power to take its place (China). The Americans had their century, it’s all downhill for everyone now. Things won’t get better.

Lol. Subhuman gooks will take over. Lmao.

By removing kikepitalism.

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Actively, reasonably point out logical fallacies to extremists.
They may not change but their viewers might. In fact, as I said earlier, someone should design a bot....but I not really holding out hope.
I think Sino-Russian_relations_since_1991 is behind a lot of it, even (or esp) in the higher ed and etc depts:

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there is no society
never was

Groomers and nazis are not white.
Socialism is not white.
Groomers and nazis are socialist.
Either fix them problem, or admit this is the direction you're encouraging through your inaction.

>How do we stop the culture war from destroying society?
We don't

civil war
The radical in the term refers to a willingness on the part of most radical centrists to call for fundamental reform of institutions.[1] The centrism refers to a belief that genuine solutions require realism and pragmatism, not just idealism and emotion.[2] One radical centrist text defines radical centrism as "idealism without illusions",[3] a phrase originally from John F. Kennedy.[4]

Radical centrists borrow ideas from the left and the right, often melding them together.[5] Most support market-based solutions to social problems, with strong governmental oversight in the public interest.[6] There is support for increased global engagement and the growth of an empowered middle class in developing countries.[7] In America many radical centrists work within the major political parties, but they also support independent or third-party initiatives and candidacies.

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Remove ze juden?

Upgrade it to an actual war.

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People reverting to simplistic models of the the world / reality / etc was predicted by critics (and few proponents) of the internet.
As more are flooded with "too much" information, they positively *flee* to the safety and security of either past held beliefs or some simplistic catchphrase or group identity.
Looked at in a larger scale, we may be seeing the growing pains of a human species struggling to adapt itself to vast swaths of data...and struggling. Should be 'interesting' to say the least.

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It isn't real

i think it might be too late for that OP...The ship is going down...

>How do we stop the culture war from destroying society?


We remove the agitators.
The ones who dress the young against the old, the manual vs the intellectual, men against women

>I just hate some kikes and want to groom a few kids
Thanks, centrist. Very principled.

Why stop it? Only from the ashes can we rebuild.

What society? The one that's full of niggers, Jews, trannies and corrupt leaders? Destroying that would be a good thing.

Ok groomer.

The damage is already done.

>How do we stop the culture war from destroying society
remove female rights

America is a nation with terminal cancer. Once civilizations reach this point no politician can save it through reform. It's either civil war or collapse.

Our civilization has entered it's decadent phase. This is the point in our collective social development where internal squabbles over political radicalization(which nature usually stops by forcing these groups to coordinate against outsiders to survive, or kills if they don't) shatter the facade of social cohesion that has been rotting away for decades. But Great Civilizations and Empires grow in power to the extent that there is no outside force powerful enough to force cooperation from the citizens of the polity, leader to more and more radical political degeneration, until you hit the very last part: the internal social structure of the civilization breaks apart to the point that it is irreparable, and the internal political struggle becomes so severe, that even weak outside enemies wander in, and choose sides with the collapsing power groups, until there is nothing left anymore. This has happened to every single great civilization and empire in history. We are no different, and there's nothing that's going to stop the slaughter that comes.

Once I realized we'd reached the crossover point of no return in 2017, I've been training and preparing myself to survive the hell that is to come.

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