Fuck bill gates

How do I get rid of this shit without installing linux

Attached: FUCKBILLGATES.jpg (401x43, 4.85K)

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Right click on it and there's a box you can check to get rid of it

Install NetBSD
( faggot)


Attached: Right click, nigger.png (1920x1080, 202.35K)

Typical chud too retarded ape to linux install

by installing linux you brainlet retard. stop spending all your time on tiktok and maybe you'll figure it out.

Coincidentally I was just trying this and none of the options remove it. pic related. It will cost you your search box though.

Attached: zgfdgwd.png (1332x1053, 131.77K)

OSlet too busy being racist and homophobic. Can't into simple computer shit

you can open the search bar with "super key+s"

disable search bar

"Show search highlights" it's right there

holy fuck lads

>go to Any Forums
>pol spills over

>run back to Any Forums
>g spills over

ffs lads

Just click the windows key and start typing

Why the fuck are you not using Linux?


right click > search > show search highlights

i also adblock all google logo shit

I highly recommend trying Ubuntu or other user friendly Linux os. I was like you in the past and hated the idea.

I had to dive in for a project for work and after a few days, i converted my PC to dual boot, then got a new machine and it's all Linux.

I just did the same thing. It's a matter of right-clicking the taskbar in different spots and unchecking options.

fuck you, Microsoft; I don't need your pozzed Google-doodles on my desktop.

>It will cost you your search box though.
are you guys actually retarded? Just press show search icon, and you have the search function without the faggot logo

Attached: Screenshot_1.png (1547x912, 169.57K)

>not using Windows 7
