WWHD if he were running for President of the U.S. today?

This is meant to be a serious discussion.
What political actions would he take to reverse the damage done by the globohomo left?

Would he dismantle the CIA?
Would he ban lobbying groups like AIPAC?
What would his political views be in today's world?

Not allowed (unrealistic) ideas:
>kill all of the (insert any group here)
>take over the world/invade another superpower
>anything supernatural

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Kill all the spics, jews and niggers

Probably fix the economy. Because (((you know)))

He would start a two front war with Russia and China and then autistically sacrifice millions because he couldn’t accept that he lost

Yeah I'm looking for specific details.

I think he'd probably put limitations on immigration as a simple starter, but would he ban immigration altogether? What would that look like?

>What political actions would he take to reverse the damage done by the globohomo left?
>Deport all illegals
>Abolish the Federal Reserve and all interest payments
>Guarantee free housing to young white couples
>Free loans for 4+children white families
>Negotiate remigration deals with Mexico, Africa and the Middle East
>Mandatory physical education for the young
>Revolution in education (kids would be taught racial biology, cultural pride, history and opposition to Jewish corruption.)
>Extreme laws against antisocial behaviour
>Restoration of the ecosphere
>Ban on animal cruelty
Heaven on earth

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He'd purge the CIA, FBI, NSA, and the military of all the pedos and antiwhites, but keep it around to make it like the BND. He'd then use his reorganized CIA to purge every other branch of government then move on to start offing as many elites in the corporate and banking world as he can and replace them with nazi sympathizers. After all the elites are dead are detained, he'd probably reach out to Russia and China in the hopes that they'll help him pressure the neutral countries to allign with them and oust the Jews from the rest of the world. China would probably ve more than happy to side with Hitler, but with Putin it depends if he's able and willing to mobilize against and neutralize the Jews within his own government. If Putin decides to stay a shabbos goy, then China might just stay neutral and it's probably game over. If Putin decides to side with Hitler, he wins without a bullet being fired.

most likely this would happen

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Thank you for an actual reply I appreciate it.

Abolishing the Federal Reserve is a big one for sure, and mandatory PE for children.
I'm not sure it's appropriate to punish anti-social behavior when today's anti-socials are the ones protesting against globohomo, and being social today means you're going along with the status quo of clown world.

How would he make sure the more powerful groups like the CIA are quickly and thoroughly destroyed?

But not before a lot of this

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He'd take revenge on the traitorous and treacherous vermin and his old and most wretched enemy: the white anglo saxon protestant

No enemy is worse than the one who betrays his own people

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>go after a symptom rather than the root cause (jews)
I don't think he was that stupid.

He'd get everyone back to church. Find Jesus and Mary through the blessed sacraments of the Roman Catholic Church

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The root cause is anglo American white protestant trash

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White anglo saxon protestants did this. The jews came much later

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All schools would be Catholic schools

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Run as a democrat promising clean crime free cities and healthcare

>How would he make sure the more powerful groups like the CIA are quickly and thoroughly destroyed?
He wouldn't want to destroy most of the federal agencies, he'd only want to root out the globohomo sympathizers leading them and reorganize them. I have a feeling that there'd ve enough people within those agencies that would prefer to work for hitler rather than the Jewish pedo cabal, so taking out the pro Jewish pedo cabal leaders wouldn't be too difficult if he knew who to trust.

>it's the white people not the jews!
>trust the Roman church and pray to Mary!
In the name of Jesus Christ I rebuke you and ask that you stop posting satanic trash in my thread.

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>I'm not sure it's appropriate to punish anti-social behavior when today's anti-socials are the ones protesting against globohomo
I'm referring to thuggish criminality of course. No excuse for terrorising one's national countryfolk.
I also forgot to mention that Hitler would also re-industrialise the rustbelt states as quickly as possible. He believed that sustained and increased production could maintain and even increase the value of the national currency.

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Hitler transformed a dying country into the one of the world's most formidable nations (almost) all by himself, if you don't know how to do the same in the US (which is, arguably, in a slightly better state right now than what the Weimar Republic had been when Hitler took power) and you're looking for advice here, you clearly are not the new, second Hitler

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He wouldn't want to be president of America. He's a German nationalist. If he had control over America through a puppet he'd probably seek to boost the white population specifically those with Brit, German ancestry and the other Anglo Saxon countries because they were the gene pool that created America so they have a right to it. The black population is too big to sterilize and leave be so he'd round all blacks to transport them back to Africa. He'd round up the jews and either ship them off to Palestine or kill them depending on the timeline/his mood.

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