Why is it hard for entitled crybullies (also known as small business owners) to comprehend that “muh small business” is NOT a legitimate excuse to pay their employees shit wages? It’s really this simple: if you “can’t afford” to pay your people a living wage and turn a profit, your business model is fundamentally flawed and your business should NOT exist. Period. End of story. This shouldn’t even be controversial.

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>Stimulate your ass

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Boomers shouldn’t own anything. They fuck it up for everyone.

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When 50% of small businesses were forced to shutdown permanently in 2020, the writing was on the wall

>-We all be hiring so urgent like baby
>-Will you raise the wage offer?
>-Oh hells no baby, you speak crazy speak.
Job market like a nigger.

>Masters degree
>5years experience
>$8/hr, part time, no benefits

Same problems we have here and it's beyond me why capitalism fail to understand capitalism - nobody want to work for you? rise pay.

>shows up with a TV film crew and catered lunches and a break trailer
>does 15 minutes of work in front of the camera
>rubs dirt on his face
>"Wow, that was hard. You should work as hard as I do, you little faggot"
Kek what a dickhead

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Nigger, do you what the definition of small is?

Pride moment

Literally every small business I have ever worked for payed shit, expected overtime with no extra pay, no benefits, and the owners all lived in nice houses and drove brand new F150s . This is not what the Founding Fathers wanted

Synonymous with your dick

“Just walk down to the company headquarters, and shake the owner’s hand! That’s how I got MY job!”

>apply for jobs all year
>change gender to tranny
>get 2 job offers I'm not qualified for and for places i didn't even apply to
Fuck boomers and hr. Have fun paying my bills faggots!

>stimulate your ass
what is this faggotry?

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tbf, printing trillions of dollars and using it to prop up zombie globohomo corporations isn't my definitions of a free market either. That makes it difficult to remain profitable if you're not on the government approved list.

>living wage
I live just fine on sub 15/ hr with two kids and a mortgage

Doesn’t stop 80 IQ zionist boomers from worshipping him

Boomers are the most repressed generation of faggots I’ve ever seen

you got to pay your fucking dues pal

Not my problem then. Enjoy being short staffed

Just by incident today in Finland this manager of one of these sweat-shops complaining than people don't come work her company to getting half-nothing payments because unemployment benefits are too good.

As you see in picture...she has maybe around 2-3 million worth of art just behind her back. Least she has got good payments.

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Boomers are such spoiled brats. Currently the employers in my area all want 2 degrees and 8 years work experience. Hearing "YOURE JUST TOO LAZY" makes me want to kill. Apparently an associates and 10 years isn't enough for customer service now.


I work at a gas station with an Indian boss. Just started a month ago. Promised me $15.50 an hour, I did the math with my gross income and it came out to $14.80 an hour. He acted nice at first, then continued to insult me when customers weren't around, and push me aside when I wasn't going "fast enough", as he continued to mangle peoples food (from the hot tray) and touch everything with his hands (to the customers disgust both at his disrespect towards me and his poor treatment of what they were buying). Now that I am fairly situated with my environment and the job (I keep up if not faster than my coworkers which are all female, which he never mistreats because Indians are all simps) he can't complain nor nag me because I'm too fast for him to try to wrongly correct me, but he adds new systems into place and instantly complains about how I need to do it better (even though he never instituted those systems yet).
>The people who owned the place prior to selling it to them were white and liberal
>and whenever they come in he makes sure to stand inbetween me and them whenever they ask me "how do you like your new boss?"
>foreigners shouldn't be allowed property in America

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Based. There are jobs available everywhere, in most sectors. You don't need to lower your standards or expectations. You need to get off your ass. One important way to get meaning back in your life is to be of service to others.

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