This is a fictional weather report from 2014, showing how hot the year 2050 could be...

This is a fictional weather report from 2014, showing how hot the year 2050 could be, to scare people into committing to fighting global warming.
Next week, the map will come true, as the actual weather forecast already shows such high temperatures.

Does your voting pattern and/or political activism include effort to slow down global warming, such that we won't have to relocate half our populations and industry based on the new, more hostile climate?

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Other urls found in this thread:

You can't stop global warming, because pollution is good for the children.

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Paris has come a long way

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2050 will be fun.

I will gladly vote for every radical leader who offers to exterminate the Green menace in the most painful way possible.

If you want to stop pollution, stop replicating billions of niggers in Africa and dismantle the dirty economies of China and India. Everything else that refuses to consider this sentence is literally anti-white, is created to be anti-white, and is only here to hamstring the economies of the West so that China can overtake us with tens of trillions of GDP. Germany, which is seen by every mentally ill kike as the beacon of Whiteness, was the first to get targeted and sabotaged into near-bankruptcy. Since then it's been an irrelevant decaying post-white society that's increasingly getting irrelevant with every following day. Will I sit idly as the likes of you try to do it to every other country mine included? Oh no. You WILL get what's coming for you. Keep on pestering us and see where that leads us to.

>India and China meme
That one dataset that everyone and their mom is citing includes garbage that EUROPE AND USA PRODUCE, and is just sent to India and China for disposal. Its not that they produce more garbage, its that we also send them our garbage.

The rest of your post is memes. "Keep on pestering us and see where that leads us to"? It leads to you posting mean comments on the internet, and doing nothing about it, fag.

Officially the coldest start to Winter since 1904 in my location.

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>Does your voting pattern and/or political activism include effort to slow down global warming
Ofc not, I'm neither from China, nor India, or the US, no Africa.

>global warming
Whut? It's climate change now because the weather doesn't get warmer at all.

>That one dataset that everyone and their mom is citing includes garbage that EUROPE AND USA PRODUCE, and is just sent to India and China for disposal. Its not that they produce more garbage, its that we also send them our garbage.
Uh, no, Chang. You're the bad guys, just deal with it.

HOLY SHIT, it's gotten so fucking hot?
Can't you tell by the extremely in-your-face BURNING, RED, SUN, GLOBAL, WARMING imagery?

Your green party is losing sweetheart. The no confidence vote is literally a few days away from us.

The American puppetry of Bulgaria will soon end, and if your kind plunges the country into a civil war by inviting NATO to shoot at us like the Ukrainians tried to do, you will see brutalities that even the turks refused to do.

Keep that in mind. Keep on thinking that they're just memes. If you think that I will waste the next 50 years of my life being a fourth-rate puppet territory of the zio-American NWO that has decided to turn Europe into a collapsed regime of poverty, you're significantly mistaken. I'll be dead anyway so why not do it against scum like you?

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Making environmentalism into a liberal issue is the death of right wing political movements, and you are the moron who is aiding this decline.
Oh, you don't want coal powerplants? You must be a CIA agent sent to destroy us. Or even worse, equating conservatism with Russia and some anti-American struggle.

Useful idiot, I hope you get run over by a truck.

Gonna buy some cheap real estate on Greenland and start a farm when the tundra thaws.
Fun fact: The Viking colonizers grew both wheat and barley there 1k years ago, something that's impossible in todays climate.
Really gets the old noggin joggin'


it quite literally IS the hand of the American neoliberal regime, you're just too stupid to see what they're doing to Germany to ever realize it.

Or Bulgaria for that matter. Learn your own history someday.

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Where in France is it going to be 43 degrees?

this. i dont even want communist parties to be illegal but green parties? should be outlawed right away and everyone who associates with them gets executed. they stand in the way of actual progress

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based EROI poster

I'm fully in favor of global warming, its cold as shit where I live, right now its 9 degrees celcius and its bullshit

>Does your voting pattern and/or political activism include effort to slow down global warming
No, fuck you, and fuck the earth

France took so many niggers that niggers heat is radiating causing warming

The South of France, notorious for being hot.

A nuclear plant causes less poultion than fossil fuel per energy generated even if it Fukushima's every now and again. Yet Nuclear isn't even on most peoples agendas.

Until politicians stop shitting up the coastline with windmills and actually invest in modern nuclear instead of pretending we're still collapsing soviet shithole Russia-tier in that department, there clearly isn't much of a threat.

If anything we are heading for another ice age.

See you there!

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source please

Climate change is natural, we"re only entering in a different cycle and man has nothing (or very very little to do with it)

So it's not even a subject worth mentionning, except to analyze it as a mean of manipulation to implement restrictions and dark agendas

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Unfathomably based

That's normal, we were in a cold age cycle at that time

just google eroi

That wasnt cold by the standards we have had for millenia.
All of Northern France was under glaciers at one point, now that is cold.

Source: before the price of uranium skyrocketed, and before the warming of water temperature made nuclear cooling less efficient. France even today has to work its nuclear powerplants at less capacity, because if they don't, they'll kill all the fish in the river.

>I will gladly vote for every radical leader who offers to exterminate the Green menace
Don’t even care at voting at this point, I’d follow anyone who has a clear cut way of cutting this cancerous growth of intellectual dishonesty and subversion from Western & European societies.
Part of me wants to say this is unprecedented but I’m not completely sure. But this fucking leviathan of unmatched dishonesty and corruption, both for social and regular sciences, is out of control and only upheld because nobody is putting the names of the ones responsible on hitlists. We’re seeing in real time how a slow corrupting bureaucratic rot is marching through the system and nobody resists it, because of how “non-violent” it seems, while silencing all dissenting rational voices in favor of outrage & hysteria.

still more efficient than any alternative. green niggers get the rope

no dont care and no we dont need to relocate anyone
put machine guns on borders and ships in the mediteranean as long as we deal with the local traitors this will only serve in our interest as niggers die out

>Next week, the map will come true
picture says august 18 which is when the temperature reach its highest its june and its not even that hot
i've seen worst get the fuck out with that global warming bullshit ask beijing and new delhi first pro tip : you cant