Is it just me, or has Any Forums been more schizophrenic than usual the last couple years?

Is it just me, or has Any Forums been more schizophrenic than usual the last couple years?

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>Oh, look at me, I have amazing optics and am everything that you like and want for the country and am in no way a CIA/Mossad psyop placed in your cabinet to sabotage you at your weakest moment when you truely need my help!

IF you're so rich, why aren't you smart?

>a small loan of 2 standard deviations.

About the same, we just never talked to him that much before.

>is it just me or has the whole world been more schizophrenic than usual the last couple years?

Why stop at CIA/Mossad and just say reptlioid aliens from another dimension/Garfield the Cat.

It's getting worse and I love it. I like making the schizos double down and become even more insane, I've become really good at it. A good share of all this is probably my fault.

no, it was way more schizo 7 years ago
had way more valuable conversation too

you don't do that though, you're too manic
nobody internalizes anything you say

Shills? Yeah there's way more of them

because mossad is real.

Nah everyone is. Enjoy the fun.

Yeah, the main reason is the anti-vaxx/flat-earther influx, those people are 50 IQ but consider themselfs geniuses.

It's probably various agencies poisoning the well. This is one of the few places you can talk openly, and the main tactic against that is to harm the signal to noise ratio by shitposting.

If you think you're talking to schizophrenic nuts then it stops being something you can learn from and it becomes some peverse entertainment that you yourself then poison from a lack of serious engagement

I routinely enter threads where they're already paranoid and talking about me, project your impotence somewhere else

is it just me or are the outlandish fucked up weird strange odd things people used to post here actually happening

because it gets obnoxious seeing you never get b&, when you spam through a thread with the same wojaks over and over

How so?

You guys can't even have a conversation when I'm around. I can destroy any thread you make whenever I want and have all of you dancing to my song

Quality of posts has plummeted because of ESL butthurt belters.

Is schizophrenia a bad thing?

I heard it's like coffee.

>I can destroy any thread you make whenever I want and have all of you dancing to my song

cool, do it.

Is coffee good for you?

begun the second meme war has

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It's full of twitter tranny activist groups and paid government officials to manipulate the public.

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