Guys what is going on? Is china seriously trying to cause Event Horizon? Remember those other articles about them seeing "alien civilizations?" What did they see?? I'm legit kinda scared

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>Guys what is going on? Is china seriously trying to cause Event Horizon? Remember those other articles about them seeing "alien civilizations?" What did they see?? I'm legit kinda scared
are americans all literally insane or is this a broken spambot pretending to have schizofrenia?

libera te tutemet ex inferis

>retarded chink can't speak Engrish
>guise it's da aliens n shieeet
Kill every Amerimutt on the planet.

Frogs really are gay

There's little to no difference between a spambot and a schizo retard regurgitating word salads

OP is desperate for attention

fucking clones

(((You))) are just acting gayer:


whatever the case this belongs on /x/ and /x/ belongs on the inside of a gas chamber


>twitter thread
>a chinese paid shill at that
>nuclear aircraft when they don't even have a navy and can't even leave china
What the fuck is this thread even?

>nigger calling chink clones

oh wow are you scared bro me too someone said they saw something in the woodshed! it looked like a man but wasnt if you know what I mean?

4D Nuclear-powered chink aircraft carriers just flew over my house!

hopefully we'll get to see how many chinks can swim in the near future. every day I wake up hoping to see Taiwan popping off

> 1 post by this id.
Well what do you think?

I personally want to squish the life out of troons who do this shit,so tired of it. Its what made me a radical, if leftists just kept to themselves and let us be, I wouldnt be planning on killing a few thousand of them.

Cabal is betond effed, lol!

Now, down side is we are all colectivly beyoned eeffed right up, but cabal for sure.

What? What did I say? Isn't there a connection between the alien stuff and this talk about 4D space?

Chinks projecting with all talk and no results, nothing out of the ordinary.

>Schizo OP thinks it’s some sort of sci-fi post IRL
>It’s really:
Ching Chong ping pong ding dong ling long
TLDR it’s fucking nothing

is the economy in 4d?

>chink shill says a thing

Attached: 1575530261748.jpg (1200x1011, 152.06K)

I think its.. maybe... telling the US to think in '4d chess', which is a dumb meme concept, and that if they did they'd realise they already lost.

I'm not sure how a country with 0 naval war experience in modern history beyond
>Gets all ships sunk by Japanese in a couple of days
is gonna suddenly become an ocean going naval power capable of taking on the US Navy.

Attached: wp4226750.jpg (1280x804, 109.4K)

>wanting to be lost jerusalem

Attached: Yahweh Cometh -The Goyim (Lamb) Strikes Back.png (1578x1843, 1.54M)

It means Americans should look into the future and see China can't be defeated.
4D = you can browse timeline like files in a folder. It's just saying try to see the future.
Fucking low IQ nigger.

is it a boy or girl

Attached: reveal.jpg (549x279, 38.1K)

zing pow persian gulf
no more economy for you ccp

Don’t be mad at the best country in the world getting more ahead than you.

So it's not bad enough they depopulate the sharks, poach several times the quota of other nations' fish combined, but now they're going to leave nuclear waste everywhere?

Fucking useless bug people.

>china state affiliated media