Why are all the top crime ridden cities democrat cities

can anyone explain why dem policies dont work

Attached: cities by crime rate.png (934x758, 65.56K)

Check the racial demographics OP

Niggers obviously

Is it true that wh*te people commit the most crimes?

No black flight


Gun free zones.

Great now show me GDP by states, or whatever economic measurement units you like to cope with

i really have no idea what the nonjew dems think they're doing but kike dems know exactly what they're doing

Those our spne ugly ass city flags. Get on our level!

Attached: Srednji_grb_Kikinde.jpg (150x248, 14.84K)


Us Missourians are on edge
the plague grows longer and wider

Basically all mayor cities are run by Democrats because no one would ever trust a republican to run something that important, and no one cares what happens in non major cities. So all the best major cities? Dems. All the worst? Dems. Everything in-between? Dems

It's a silly retard talking point for Republicans

>can anyone explain why dem policies dont work
dems rely on poor voters to get them in office by telling them they will fix their poorness through programs and bs
in reality dem policies creates more poor people through violent niggers (any race can be a dumb nigger) thus giving dems more voters.

this is a literal honest to goodness leftist take on the world.

Read em and weep boys. This is what your fellow "human" actually believes.

even during the day, those cities are still DARK..


Niggers vote democrat

funny thing is, I lived in Detroit for a while and seen with my own eyes more republican nigger voters than democrat nigger voters.
places like Detroit are so corrupt that any time a nigger votes republican it gets counted for a dem, because democrat nigger voters count the votes and think omg SHQUANDA is voting for a raysis, i'll change their vote for them

I assume you're too stupid to understand what I said. When you see a list of "high crime cities" it's literally just the major cities it doesn't include small cities. If one person is murdered in a small city the rate could 10-50 times higher then those numbers

10, 13, 14, and 16 are majority white (too lazy to look up others)
So why are they on this list? NYC and LA aren't.

Majority white doesn't mean shit. You have to break down crime in each city by race rather than just the crime in total.

For instance NYC is not majority black, but I bet if you looked at statistics you'd find they commit most crime.