Guess Alex Jones was right

Guess Alex Jones was right

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He's always 10 years ahead

birth control.
>B I O S L U D G E

oh so all the people randomly dying of cardiac arrest is just because of microplastics
ok I'm going to bed now

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Stop paying attention to all the substances we are putting you body. Well just make a pill to fix it that doesn’t actually reach statistical significance anyways.


Possibly the only thing Alex Jones has ever been right about

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Yeah nigger shit isn't good.

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So the frogs are actually becoming gay...

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Just remember that there is more artificial turf than grass now.

Artificial turf, each blade, is coated in PFAS and then sheds it as dust. Very toxic.

Never let children play on it.

t. Governor consultant for PFAS

*Government not the Governor.

Bros how do I purge this shit?

ALL OF THIS SHIT is from GeoEngineering. It's the same reason why they are finding microplastics literally everywhere on the earth.

Skip to 1:29:30 for the relevant information related to this thread.

Last time I got linked to a youtube doc from this board my algorithm became infested with "Jordan Petersen arguing with college girls" vids

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>Just remember that there is more artificial turf than grass now.
Absolute bollocks.
I would wager there isn't even 1% artificial turf compared to real grass

It takes an adult, on average, 14 years to filter *some* types of pfas. When you die, the pfas will remain indefinitely as you decompose or are turned to ash. You can't readily purge it.

And it destroys your endocrine system. Why do you think so many people are obese and tranny's now.

These are, quite literally, the nastiest compounds we have ever made.

The slurry is called "The Devil's Piss" for a reason.

Make sure you email your politicians and tell them to vote yes on the upcoming pfas laws. Only way at this point.

this was proven a decade ago.....
u live under a rock?

Your would be wrong.

54 million acres to 39illion acres.

I'm talking hand laid surfaces not natural wild grasses mind you.

the one on bottom right

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Lots of research happening in this area for anyone genuinely interested

Just buy water from filtration sources. But you have to get someone to actually work on them.

Imagine my shock.

the worst is we didn't even need these chemicals.
it just makes profiteering easier.
You could go put a bullet through some random millionaires head, and you'd most likely be completely justified in doing it. The law may disagree, but they write the laws to protect themselves and their money machines.

plenty of people including real scientists have been talking about it for many years
regulators, media, and consumers just willfully ignored it because it was easier and cheaper to do nothing