You do agree that ugly people shouldn’t mate right?

Any self respecting human will agree that the only way forward is eugenics. It’s the simplest answer to all our problems. You sterilize all the people with severe diseases and syndromes and any other health related thing that can get passed down. You sterilize all the ugly people that don’t have the best facial and body features.

Attached: 0173FF31-7A9A-4438-B21F-FBAF8073A19B.jpg (750x721, 285.26K)

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Just because someone is ugly doesn't mean they aren't genetically superior. I'm sure you think you are the genetic master race, but you probably look like a deformed rhesus monkey.

what if, like, some crypto jew get in power and say that beautiful is actually ugly so they neuter all the your good seed, like, what they did in soviet union, killing the pretty ones so their offspring is easier to control

the mind of a woman kek

>You do agree that mutts shouldn’t mate right?
ftfy, also yes

Toxoplasma infected hosts are more attractive and thinner.

Just goes to show you aesthetics aren't the whole picture.

only the mindless should reproduce so that we may return to monke

No I would unfortunately be sterilized or if I’m smart enough maybe I could be put into that department as a subject.

Best would be just make GMO crisper babies selected for ubermench DNA. GATTACA style.

No ugly people need to exist, God made it so. Instead of killing off populations like kikes, how about reestablishing hierarchy?

Uglyness is subjective.
Intelligence often coorelates with attractiveness.

All of what you have now is made by intelligent people and a result of tens of thousands of briliant minds. Most of these people were ugly/incels by todays definition. Learn to appreciate them until it's too late.

It’s a symbiotic relationship, it also boosts testosterone levels

only if this applies to both men and women, then yes

Many outwardly ugly people have beautiful souls. Many reproductively unfit people have nonetheless contributed positively to the human condition

Time to snort some cat shit and find out if it turns me into a chad.

Attached: based.png (480x480, 162.24K)

Nah most ugly people are ugly on the inside, good looking ones are alway more pleasant, decent and intelligent, you fell for dysgenic cope

Niggers, wet backs, shot skins, kikes snd Chinese shouldn't reproduce

no, but your ID means it will turn you into a JAD

I know ugly people and people with shit like MS who are healthier than people who were born with better genetics. Sitting around inactive, putting crap in your body, and not sleeping will wreck you worse than your genes will.

>most ugly people are ugly on the inside
this statement is only true because the vast majority of all people are ugly on the inside regardless of their outward appearance. You're confusing correlations between attractiveness and intelligence/mental health with an a priori dismissal of the soul contents of all ugly people

if by ugly you means jews and niggers yeah.

>You sterilize all the ugly people that don’t have the best facial and body features
I wouldn't recommend that. I work with many surgeons. There is a real wide range of skill among surgeons. The best are usually very ugly, and jewish at least 50% of the time. It's interesting to think about.

I'm ugly, probably 6/10 but I want happiness too. I don't think i know the feeling of someone loving me that isn't related. I bet it feels nice.

do you think there's a link between being "very ugly" and being in the top percentage of people who are willing, able, and skilled at using the flesh of others as a medium?

Look at Trudeau's eyes, compare them

It's all in the way you carry yourself. Everything.

Attached: trudeau.jpg (768x768, 142.96K)

At the cost of ones virtue. The idea is to dethrone the Jew, not become one


That's pretty deep. I think the ugly ones know they're ugly and that they'd better be really good at something to make up for that, and to make a lot of money, again to counterbalance the ugliness. Really ugly people are interesting because if you can control your facial reactions and your emotions and not recoil when you meet them they will trust you above all others. They go through life with people looking at them like they're pariahs. If you are able to just treat them as equals they'll often go out of their way to help you.