
Government workers, be it federal, state, city or county should not be allowed to make more than non-government employees, and no federal employee can make more than the cheif executive (I.E. Dr.Anthoney Fauci).

There should be no such thing as a "cushy government job" and government employees should be held to the absolute highest standard of service, serivce comparable to a luxury resort or michelin star resturant, especially since every last government employee is literally on our payroll.

Post office employees make double what UPS employees make, at the expense of our taxes. If we capped government employee salaries to be equal to or less than what the same employee does in the private sector it would lower taxes.

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I think they should all be contract workers. 1-2 year contract. at the end of the contract, their employment will be reviewed, and an effort will be made to find a replacement that will work for less.

libertarians are gay.

Yes, because I really want a bunch of pajeets and Messcan's delivering my mail...

How is this libertarian? If anything this is anti-libertarian, and fiscally conservative and ecnomically interventionist.

Wouldn't that just attract even worse government employees? What would be the point of extremely talented person to dedicate their career in the government when they can get paid more in the private sector?

The point is to cut government spending and lower taxes, while also improving quality, and if superior service can be found in the private sector, it would boost ecnonomic growth and job oppurtunities while lowering taxes and debt.

You are retarded.

Go back to 2011 faggot.

the government is not a business you own.
it is a sovereign state


What if we take all the libertarians and push them into a river? Because it’s been the libertarian thinking that has enabled conservatives to conserve absolutely nothing for 70 years.

It actually is my property, it's our property and they should act like it. I am an obligated shareholder in the government, and as a shareholder who contributes to taxes, I want 5 star treatment, and I want to lower their salaries because they don't need that much money, I don't care if they have mouths to feed. I want to cut their pay just like anyother employer that notices losses on the books.

How is this liberatarian? I am not a libertarian, I want homosexuality outlawed, I want abortions to be considered murder, I want Communism outlawed, and I want the DNC to be designated as a terrorist organization. This is fiscially responsible, conservative and in line with the image of our founders.

>it's our property
woah cool it commie, shared property is no property at all!
the state is sovereign the state is defined by its possession of coercive power and it will use it to make you do as it wishes.
the only time it will do as you wish is when you are it.
and as long as you think it is some kind of bussiness in your service you never will

That doesn't even make sense, I finance the government daily through sales taxes, income taxes, property taxes, and even taxes on alcohol and tobacco in addition to sales taxes. I'd be morally justified to piss on a government building (of course current legislations prohibit this and I wouldn't) but morally, ethically and logically I am entitled to shit and piss on a government building, because it is my property. I paid for it, I own it, it's mine, and yes I want to slash employee salaries to cut losses and I want 5 star service, not some old nigger woman with a smokers voice that has no idea what quality service is when I call their offices or need services.

Shouldn't you be watching Fox News?

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Where are you getting that I condone any of that from? Why ? Because I want our Communist nigger infested government to spend and take less from me? Have you met government employees? Have you been to a DMZ or talked to the IRS, I've gotten better service from a fucking 7-11 than these assholes that I pay daily.

This isn't the place to discuss neoliberal economics. Begone.

What do you want? To write massive checks to semi-retired niggers that speak to you in a condescending tone while trying to seize your money? Is that what they teach you faggots in the UK? Keep kissing the government's ass faggot do you have a loiscense to be posting here mate? Or is PREVENT going to raid your house with Pajeet and nigger scotland yard agents.

>That doesn't even make sense
exactly because you are a libertarian and your world view is contrary to reality.

>I finance the government daily
the fact that you believe it doesn't make it true.