Any Forums always call Brazilians monkeys

>Any Forums always call Brazilians monkeys
>while they enjoy qt Japanese pussy
>interracial marriage of the Japanese community at a staggering 50%
What gives ?
Don't mind my flag. Not a gook. Southern European Chad in Seoul

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>interracial marriage of the Japanese community at a staggering 50%

based. i want a qt jappo

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São Paulo is supposedly the largest Japanese city on earth after Tokyo

Nice bot faggot

When you're already a turd what can you do. I mean imagine you live in a ditch since birth? Make the most of it.

>São Paulo

tell me more about this place

legends speak of favela samurai roaming the jungles

São Paulo is a cosmopolitan, melting pot city, home to the largest Arab, Italian, Japanese, and Portuguese diasporas

no niggers?

nvm its woke place

Lots of niggers. They live in the outskirts though and work as doormans, cleaners, etc. Or rob us. I live next to a japanese family. They are great; don't make noises, are family oriented and polite. But I've studied with lots of japs. Some were nerds some were sluts like most women. Can't complain as I've had my share.
t. paulistano

This isn't political. Some of you qre pathetically obsessed with women. it's revolting

The quest to make the perfect Jiu Jitsu fighting machine.

Way too big of a city to be comfy. Pretty good for business though

Insects get the fuck out.

I cucked a jap boy some years ago, jap girls are cheating whores

whats the language there?

Also, never met a poor japanese. They are mostly upper middle class with some in middle class and some very rich. They have built hospitals and contributed a lot to society. Syrians, lebanese and armenians are usually better off though.
Like everywhere. But only stupid twitter users care about what some descendants of confederates in a minor town wave in their festivities. Thanks to a faggot journalist that wrote an article about those "dangerous racists". And that law is unconstitutional.


I cuck mexican men with my superior tejano roots

Portuguese like everywhere else in Brazil

even the jappos?

Same shit different color

Wait until they show up with nigger slaves.

I cuck all you beaners with my superior Germanic roots

>doesn't understand basic statistics
Your misstep lies here:
>>interracial marriage of the Japanese community at a staggering 50%

Although they do know how to speak jap too (at least the ones I met)



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what are you doing in seoul user ?

The Japanese are the most shy, introverted, orderly, civilized, and intelligent people on the planet. Living in a country like Brazil must be absolute hell for them.

How similar are they to banana niggers like you?

>southern european

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Probably it is for the first generation. Those who were born here are used to it and usually are in middle/upper class and don't need to deal with most of the problems. Pic related is from a university graduation ceremony. There is always a jew and a japanese in the class.

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>windmill memeflag

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