Five days away from white man summer. Are you ready pol?

Five days away from white man summer. Are you ready pol?

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this guy doesn't look too white to me. Maybe a fellow white


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Trendwhore season.

I told a nigger kid he had no soul yesterday.

No i'm bulking

Fellow whites like the Paul brothers are honorary whites in WBS.

Not white.

looks whiter than you gypsy lol

No no we upgraded this year to white man summer. Its not white boy summer anymore henceforth.

why do all niggers swing like that? That's not gonna work against anyone who has even a little bit of fighting knowledge.

This year will be a little bit different ^^

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White boy summer is every summer. It’s /our/ season

Still waiting on last year's

I'm going to Austria, gonna check out some churches and talk to some priests and bishops.

summer is for niggers. Winter is for us

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Why does this woman look so weird

Ok jamal

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...because she dyed her skin with sharpies? idk, why are you asking me?

This u?

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this u?

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Are white men actually happy about only shitskins and noodlewhores wanting them while ethnic men take their cream of the crop?

yes, as a pa-leaf, I am prepared to BLOW all white faggots

I've been training for this all year.

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summer is gay, real white men are awaiting the winter

>slitty beady sunken eyes
>big nose, prominent point, large drooping septum
>big ears, attached lobes
>uneven skin tone
>small narrow mouth
>fatty cheeks on an adult who isn't fat
>curly multicolor wiry hair
>fivehead, giant cranium, small facial features
>famous for no reason

Catholicism is for faggots
You're not real Christian if you are not Orthodox

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>audentes fortuna iuvat
What a materialistic man
Doesn’t surpris me though from these sinners

>American Any Forums guys "WHITE BOY SUMMER"

reality; sitting home in their moms basement. Get out like the BLM niggers and burn down that ghettos.

>Make it the fiery but mostly peaceful summer in american history

Say the words, "Beaners are gross and disgusting shitskins who need to go back to mexico" and ill acknowlede your opinion

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Shush, shismatic heretic.

catboy summer? no thanks

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>orthodox is different than catholicism
You’re missing a fact here, it comes from the Roman Empire exactly like catholicism


Languages develop dialects as time passes by in the different regions. West and East started practicing different rites (although still one unified church) just as so.

>Are you ready pol for gay porn bukake feasting this white male and gaping his tight hole with bbc's?

Yes, I'm ready for licking the bbc squirted cum from his beefy white-hairy ass.

You're on the wrong board buddy.

The thing is white boy summer has already been established. We could go for 2 seasons. White boy summer and white boy winter. There’s a good case whites are more adapted to colder climates. But idk fren we should wait till winter to try that summer is coming up right now

>are you ready to wake up in a pool of your own sweat every day for 2 months