So, what we gonna do with them?

Any idea, niggers?

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russians will torture and kill them like they do with all POWs, russians are savages who should be exterminated, they are like the Sioux and Injuns of native america who scalp prisoners

>Scalp prisoners

Good idea, froggy!

i never understood why a country like france would accept to be american vassal state and it's citizens so subservient to the american influence. brainwashed populace is probably the main culprit

Scalping is kid stuff. You should read about the Comanches

Shove white hot iron rods up their asses

why does the vietnamese guy look like a nigger-mix

There must be some work that needs doing in Siberia. Maybe it will give them the sense of purpose they lack.

probably flip

damn that chink was eating bodies to get fatter

I like zetas more

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Let them die like zogbots. Who cares

Respect their “””human””” rights, dont be a nigger like their golem country.

gender affirming surgery, top and bottom

Probably the same thing the Russians did to P.O.W.s in WWII. Torture Pare and Murder them. Hitler was right about the Russians

put them in lingerie and make them kiss each...y-y'know to "demoralize" the enemy

Didnt pooty say mercs were going to be treated like mercs? If so, what is there to discuss?

Either execute them asap to make an example or keep them for leverage in case an exchange needs to happen.
What else are you going to do with them? Just feed them and let them hang out?

its good thing that they in russia, DPR would probably give them death sentence like to other 3

Trade them and the monkey dunker for Viktor Bout.

Is he Vietnamese? He could be a different SEA, they tend to look more niggerish.

Execute them lol. They are mercenaries according to Int. Law so it doesn't matter. That's what happens when you fight, you die. Whether for a good reason or a bad reason, you will probably die

I hope this is an FSB thread.
I have an idea for you.
Make pay per view executions with donation targets as they are executed.
the proceeds of donations will then go to the victims of the conflict.

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How's France, Taras?

>why does the vietnamese guy look like a nigger-mix
He's American after all

2 possible outcomes:
A) Tried and executed as mercenaries (they are mercs)
B) Leveraged for prisoner exchange/sanction lifting

I don't think there's any other realistic outcomes.

Who got them, who will sentence them? D/LPR or Russia? If they haven't commited warcrimes like shelling civilians or similar shit, just mercs who want to fight le ebil Russian - I'd say treat them well, after humanitarian rights, as prisoners, maybe working some shitty stuff in destroyed areas etc and let them tell their story about how things went.