Who should be allowed to vote?

Who should be allowed to vote?

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Doesn't matter because you are voting for representatives to vote for you. Your vote isn't yours. Be a real man and procure what you want, don't collectively beg for it.

Land/Home/Property owners over the age of 21 AND renters who are either 1) employed OR 2) have an income stream other than NEETbucks, welfare or inheritance.

Checked, but you forgot that only men can vote.

anyone but White people

People of color ONLY

home owners with children

Shockingly reasonable

nobody should be votn cuz we aint need no laws or nuthn a reall nigga take care dey own

Receiving ANY form of Gov. Assistance? No vote for you. There goes 80% of the niggers right there.

Just me.

the position of dictator should be chosen via lottery, 10 randomly selected people put into a gladiatorial arena and fight to the dead, the last person standing gets to rule for a year

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kek, these made me think of the punch for the second story.

all Santa Clauses

>Only men
>Completed the compulsory military service and was not dishonorably discharged in the process
>Fully employed
>Both parents were citizens
>No criminal record, not mentally ill, never caught doing drugs etc.
That gives around 40% or so of the total population. Should be sufficient.


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witnessed, blessed thread

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I disagree. Especially in a broken market like ours the landed class is increasingly of foreign origins. Why make it harder than it has to be, just toss out the jews and niggers and let the country either heal or perish: whatever fate awaits us will have come from the heart and soul of the people

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no one over the age of 70 should vote either.


only the citizens

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You need to specify American citizens. We'd have half of China fucking with our elections otherwise.

I'd say no women, but like that will ever pass. And yes, I would vote for it if it meant that was the last vote I would ever be able to cast. Women vote based off emotion or what they see trending and they're an embarrassment to my sex. #repealthe19th

I'd also like to see something to protect the states. I'm sick of yankee carpetbaggers fleeing their shitholes to then fuck up red areas. "Must be a resident of X state for X YEARS to vote." They could vote for presidents of course, but wouldn't be able to fuck with a state until they'd lived there long enough to have an opportunity to understand how that society functions.

Everyone who votes for Putin can vote

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1. People that pay taxes. And people should get 1 vote per $1 of tax they pay. People on welfare would get zero votes.


2. Poll tax.

It shouldn't have democracy at all. Only a nazi AI to rule the people. Also terminators/sentinels/robocops for a police force.

I vote Putin.

damn you're sure showing the collective and the gubament bro. how do you do it?

axshally ywnbaw nigga

Certainly not those on welfare

God by blessing the king with a heir.

abolish democracy and abolish the state
we already have voting system called money

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Na we've already been there, done that. Dressed up as Indians like good little racists and fed their stupid tea to the fishes and it drove their king mad.