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Don’t care, I have blankets

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if that means that germany will cease to exists it's wonderful news

Nothing ever happens


Nooooo not my gaserino, how will me and my funkopos stay warm, nobody in human history has had to go without gas to heat their homes

Biden: Over-Ruling Roe v. Wade will cause a 'mini revolution'

IT doesn't matter, Joe Biden is allowed to dogwhistle his BLM\Antifa\DNC slaves to commit acts of domestic terrorism on the US, and the Pentagon kneels before them, and the DoJ goes after people who think that terrorism is a bad thing.

Mark Milley is a chinese traitor.

AG Garland is a terrorist who only allows progressives to commit crimes, while attacking legal taxpaying citizens for wrong think.

The DoJ and DoD will not prosectute or stop anyone who commits violent acts for the DNC if they are upset at Roe V Wade.

The DoJ will not stop any democrat who commits a crime.

The Pentagon will give money and weapons to those that hate America, and force everyone to watch as grown men wear dresses and makeup and masturbate in front of children.

Congress will give every tranny that abuses groups of children Congressional Medals of Honor, purple hearts, it doesn't matter.

Medals of merit don't matter in the Miliary anymore, you get medals of distinction for chopping your dick off and molesting children.

If you defend America and the US Constitution Mark Milley and the Tranny Joint Chiefs of Staff fire you while they have dildos up their butts.

Based Russia. Give Greta her utopia.

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if you wrap a turbine in blankets, will it keep spinning?

No but I will keep shitting on Russians as long as I have blanket to keep me warm

Russians are throwing a temper tantrum. They will fuck around a while and then return to european markets because Russia is too peripheral to abandon Western European markets.

Russia has no friends because Russians lie, cheat, steal, rape and murder. Russia arbitrarily cutting off gas doesn't sound like 'energy stability'. Plus China is forcing Russia to lower its price to $60/bbl and pay in yuan. Wow, that's a shit deal. That means China won't be buying oil from the rest of the global market, freeing up supply for everybody else. OPEC has agreed to produce more and new LNG ports are coming on-line this year.

>if you wrap a turbine in blankets, will it keep spinning?
if the turbine was made by german engineers then I'm pretty sure it will keep spinning

that's the spirit

>euro bond crisis just went hot in the past 12 hours
>german PPI highest in 55 years
>deutche bank already fucked because of investing in Roachistan
>massive welfare population
Yeah, I'm sure you can handle energy issues too. Wouldn't worry. Just don't use your heat this winter.

>'mini revolution'
Sounds like a euphemism for insurrection.

I would sell my farts to Europeans but I produce only noble gases

nice to see russia is self destructing it self

>tfw wood pellets are 2-3x the normal price despite being in the middle of June
Can't even buy fuel for winter in the middle of summer now...

There’s nothing to worry about, nothing bad happens to Europeans. You wouldn’t get it

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the factories will use blankest to provide eleectricty to the machinery, ruschuds BTFO!

>i have blankets
Why would you prolong your suffering?

What theyve been doing is shipping it in tankers off shore, transferring to EU tankers and then bringing it ashore. Its listed as anonymous source for EU oil and basically identical in size adn shipments as former Russian oil in the official data for oil sources.

Winter will be fun.

Buy it now.
Cope, seethe, and freeze.

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>then return
when ukraine cease aggressive war operations in dombass

time to get out of the eu

Uhh sactionbros... we got too cocky.

the eternal polenigger

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The 2-3x price increase is just suggestive. They're sold out everywhere.

We should have executed every last one of you

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USA is bunch of genocidal lunatics who lie and manipulate the best apart of europeans who are your oportunist ancesters.

wtf is this even?

Europe be like
>We don't like the war so we're gonna stop buying Russian oil

Russian response:
>We actually decided that we're gonna stop selling oil to Europe. Take that!

It's kindergarten tier stuff.

OP meant natural gas, my friend
Which price almost doubled in last two days.
You can celebrate it too

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