Spineless white cowards get fucked over by the police nonstop

>spineless white cowards get fucked over by the police nonstop
>never do anything about it. literally *ever*. just bend over and take it like the faggot castrati they are
>never have each other backs in ANY capacity, white cucks are in a mad sprint to stab each other in the back and sell out other out

>nigger gets screwed over by corrupt, dug dealing cop, goes to prison
>that very weekend, his brother tracks down and kills the worthless fucking ZOGbot in broad daylight

White """"""men""""""" dont deserve to survive.

Attached: bye bye cop.webm (1280x720, 2.66M)

op's got a point

Dont you know if you leave your house to do literally anything at all in the real world youre a glownigger fed?

The way to save the white race is to seethe online and never do anything, ever.


well i hate niggers and i hate cops so hopefully this keeps happening.
3 less assholes in the world

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Smart shooting from the pocket since casings wont fall out, ty niggers now i can kill you secretly

ong fr fr no cap, you be speaking fax

He’s right bro on God I would never let a nigga talk to me like that but that’s just me bro

op types like a nigger

white boys fight back with emails and lawyers

nogs fight back with their fists resisting arrest and get shot to shit then all their homies riot about B R U T A L I T Y

sad but true

So the cop ruined 2 nigger lives at the cost of his own?
Sounds like superior k/d to me

>nigger dindu nuffin he was set up

lol, somehow I don't believe it

Sure, OP I agree. But don't forget white men used to behave this way less than a generation ago, but the stakes are much higher and if we do anything we stand to get in much more trouble than niggers.

When and where? I’d like to read about this.

Absolutely pathetic fucking cope.

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>If we ever do anything to our enemies that have openly said they plan to kill us all and rape our children, we will get in trouble :(

I'm not saying people should or shouldn't do anything. I'm just explaining why people are afraid and acting like crabs in a bucket right now. How about I stead of blaming whites you start blaming kikes?


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Because blaming cowards for fucking over retaliatory violence is exactly what is needed. Schlomo is not the reason Jack can't go kill Tyrone who is fucking with Jack's shit. Its Robert, the white sellout, who will scream to the cops. Snitches, white or otherwise, will get got too.

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>mom! I posted it it again!

Attached: the-rock-rock.gif (498x498, 2.37M)

Lol what the fuck datamining fag

I basically agree with you. Fundamentally whites need to grow some fucking balls. I think it's going to be a slow process but we will become conquerors again in the end

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