My 5G phone caused numbness in hand

So I got a samsung note 20 and it gave me blood sugar spikes and arthritis in my hand and nerve damage. 5G kills.

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your membrane potentials should be -30v on average or else u get cancer and other nasties.

Throw that phone in the fucking garbage right now. 0.20mW/m2 is considered a safe limit, look what the meter reads.

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My family member said her ear was burning up last time she talked on it and guess what? 500mW/m2. If you put the meter up to a microwave oven that's 1000mW/m2 against the insulated glass. Half the power of a microwave oven in your fucking hand.

>Blood sugar spikes
Just matches the symptoms perfectly. Be careful OP.

Attached: 5gsymptoms.png (573x653, 459.41K)

Thinking of getting one, are the Cornet ones legit?

So far so good OP, I'm really happy with mine. Going to get the Advanced GQ EMF-390 later on because of the 10GHz and nice display, this one is 8GHz but it doesn't matter anyways since their average frequency is 800MHz, the killer is in the milliwatts. My nephew's school has a police station across from it and I got 26mW/m2 in the corner of the street. I got a reading like that standing in the room with my microwave oven on. 150 times over the safe limit. Buying and using a meter will really change your life and help the people around you.

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what does that mean

This is really fucked up. So starting around a couple years ago I started having very rare “weird” sensations in my heart. It was just a second and felt similar to a weird beat that made me slightly sweaty and increased heart rate momentarily after.

I still get it sometimes, rarely. More than anything it causes me to get in my own head. I thought it might be sleep since I don’t have the best schedule and I’m getting older (35).

I never thought it could be related to 5G or maybe worse off. I chalked it up to long covid but I’m thinking it’s something else. I’ve had a physical and bloodwork looked fine, even stayed off coffee.

Just go into your settings and set the network connection to 4g

Holy shit man. I understand those symptoms completely especially the weird heart beat and sweating, I'm not unvaccinated but my heart would beat fast sometimes before bed. There's a few anons that have said that their EMF readers spike at night, maybe the 26mW/m2+ signals get through the walls with the 800MHz frequency which is what allows the waves to penetrate. We are getting bombarded by these signals man, I'm not even safe in my own neighborhood and neither is my cousin and her family a block over. 2.7mW/m2+ you name it.

Attached: 868mhz.png (928x966, 919.82K)

*i'm not vaccinated

Yes, I’ve noticed it at night moreso. I’m currently in the city but I am moving in a month out to somewhere more suburban so I hope it can help.

I’ve always been the type to be up late and sleep late, usually whenever I’m tired. Recently I’ve had nights where I’m just not tired despite it being late. Restless and like you said feeling a bit off.

It’s frustrating because I’m otherwise healthy. I can go walk around outside for 15-20 mins and be fine. But then randomly I’ll get that little fluctuation which makes no sense.

My doctor told me I’m fine from every basic test they can do but I’m considering seeing a cardiologist because it’s really getting to me at times.

copium dude.
if you're not below 0.05 you're getting fried

5g can send vaccine signals through the air.


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stop holding it up using your pinky as a shelf retard

I get it user. I've seen a lady pull up a video of a doppler radar map and the US states really get irradiated at night, probably the same over in Canada. Put your phone on airplane mode and turn it off before bed. I had insomnia then realized I forgot to turn my phone off. You can be in great health and still feel like shit with these signals.

Yeah... 0.2mW/m2 is unachievable in the city just to make matters even worse.

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What was also funny to me was I kept thinking it’s interesting how I never really have these issues in some places or with certain people (other locations).

Logically it made no sense, if I was having a health problem I should experience it everywhere right? So then I thought it’s psychosomatic but I won’t even be thinking about it and experience it suddenly.

It’s never serious in that I feel like I’m in danger of passing out or out of breathe but it’s uneasy for sure. Just ordered one of those meters to play ghostbusters.

How can we insulate ourselves better? Tin foil hats being proven right all along would be pure pottery.

you can but you have to cover your windows with conductive cloth like this

if you get a big enough peice you can make a blanket out of it and it cuts rf by a fuckload like a factor of 10-20

I just disabled 5G but will try that too. I even put my wifi antennas to low power just to be sure now. I’ve noticed I also feel “hot” in my head, almost like minor inflammation at night where I’ll be fine all day. I don’t get allergies and fine outside, makes me wonder.

Will see if it improves. At least it gives me another possible thing to check on and experiment with. It sounds ridiculous and explaining it to anyone sounds crazy to mention 5G as the cause but perhaps.

buy a faraday pouch for 10 bucks and put your phone in it when you want it to not be able to be picked up by the tower
also if you're in airplane mode the antennae can still be seen by the tower, its just not serving your OS.

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I may pick up a sheet just to play with and see how it affects the meter.

Yeah lol you can feel like a million bucks when you're out of the fry zones, it's when you step in that headaches and fatigue starts to seep in. My dad commented that he got a headache walking next to the 26mW/m2 police station transmitter. Glad you got a meter though, it can save lives and peak the interest of concerned family members, and personally that's what it's all about. I was able to convince vaxxie TV believers so I'm sure you can too.

Nice user smart to put it on low power as well, you just reminded me too. Who the fuck needs high power internet on phones?

Thanks leaf fren, you're a lifesaver.

it works, I have a trifield TF2 and have first hand confirmed they work