Why are black people so cool? You have to admit they're inherently cooler than whites...

Why are black people so cool? You have to admit they're inherently cooler than whites. This is why they dominate the media. It's not because of da Joos. Everyone thinks blacks are cool. This isn't really something you can force on people.

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Cool thread Moshe

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Every aspect of black culture is suffused with complete, irredeemable bullshit. Wakanda is the perfect metaphor for black excellence: fake nonsense made by whites that never existed, and would be awful if it did. Kwanzaa, your own little Hannukah: complete bullshit. George Floyd, swindler, thug, and home invader, immortalized as a saint: Bullshit. All those hard rappers talking about the streets from the comfort of middle-class suburbs: bullshit. Oprah blathering about oppression while hobnobbing with royalty: Bullshit. The directors of BLM complaining about the system as they buy $2m houses in LA: Bullshit. Will Smith, the perfect chad, cucked by his wife live on TV: Bullshit. Jussy Smolett faking a KKK attack: Bullshit. Obama saying that Trayvon could have been his son, while his daughters are chauffered around Harvard under armed guard: Bullshit. Bill Cosby, 'America's Dad', drugraping women: it's all bullshit.
As a boy you went along with it, either because you didn't know better or because it was profitable to do so. You can milk the pity train, and it's a good way to make whites shut up and give you money. But as time goes on, the weight of the bullshit starts to crush your soul. Little wonder that rap music is obsessed with 'keeping it real'. Every single black person in your life is a constant, inveterate liar. Everywhere you look you see fake outrage, crocodile tears, bullshit, bullshit, bullshit.
Everybody knows why black schools fail, why blacks are targeted by the police, why black men are overrepresented in prisons. Everyone knows that black solidarity is a sick joke and that the black matrilineal family circus is a crimogenic nightmare. There isn't a single black that can't answer the question of why blacks fail, and yet you look around, and everyone is lying, pointing the finger at whitey. Everyone is pretending. Nobody keeps it real. It's all bullshit.


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big dick energy

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Some niggers are actually cool, yes.
Most are not. Low IQ is not cool.

yeaa weezy looks so cool with his hat that looks like it belongs on a mentally retarded kid.

90s tv and film

Hello memeflag jew

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That dude is literally schizo and worships a jew. How is that cool? I have more respect for homeless people than christcucks.

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No one thinks blacks are cool.

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I love hearing bucks cope now that BLM set them back 60 years.

Minecraft all niggers in the irl minecraft server

It's called not giving a shit what people think or say. Literally BS attitude. Many liberals are insufferable especially baby boomers.

Lack of inhibition and shame. It is that simple.

its the struggle , and btw your family knows lol

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>big dick energy
Kike posts a nigger with no dick whatsoever.
That nigger must be the spawn of this glorious union of filthy beast and filthier beast.

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White people are a bunch of a faggots and cucks.
Only blacks are based bulls.

It's strictly because of the lower executive functioning. Blacks are more likely to say exactly what they mean exactly when they mean it. That's why stuffed-up whites love them; they "tell it how it is." Thing is, whites learned not to be that way after centuries of competition with other whites who were similarly bloodthirsty and willing to exploit any emotional opening. We learned to be taciturn as a form of self-preservation.Those who wore their emotions on their sleeve tended to do worse.

So in effect it's the same appeal a dog has. Dogs are social but don't have any guile and are easy to read, that's why we like them. It's a welcome relief from fellow humans who are more difficult to read.

Sage wrote this cuz his girl left him for an Indian dude but his schizo mind couldn't tell the difference between a black and an indian

Ok kike.

>Jew media says niggers are cool.
>Idiot says everyone thinks that because he saw it on family guy.
>Nigger burns down his business because not enough gibs.
>Rapes his daughter.
>Murders his son.
Man, why are niggers so cool?