Any Forums will defend this

>Any Forums will defend this

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Based, I hope they shove them up the store owners ass, then they'd weigh him down more for a bigger splat when he's tossed off the roof

Of course.

Leftists are the colonizers now. They're forcing their bullshit views on the rest of the world.

Just share the link you useless sack of decaying meat.


Based. Gays truly own the rainbow now

No shit


I don't faggot. Freedom of expression.

the LGBT trial ended in failure.

subjects could not act like normal people when given normal privileges.
extreme sexual perversion was maintained as the subjects' central indentity, which carried over to all interactions including those with children.

it's a shame too, I thought they just loved different types of people while being normal people. but alas...

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not my heckin rainbow dash doll

Maybe Hitler and Guenon were right about Islam bros

Allahu Akbar

Being against faggotry is also freedom of expression.

That’s fucking based and good

Not my country not my problem

Doesn't mean freedom from consequences, and grooming children has dire consequences.

rainbows aren't gay, people who think rainbows are gay are gay.

there, I said it.

Freedom of expression led to where we are now.

since when did your side support imperialism?
>noooo china, you cant just block the heckin heroin shipments thats bigotted!

people that think the swastika is about racial pride and national socialism are nazis

Allah is good

actually it's the opposite.

Kys fag

>free to groom
enjoy your tranny kids, but keep that shit away from other peoples' kids

>stinky muslims dont realized that shes actually a pangender asexual, not gay
>they just judge hey on her cutie mark
does their bigotry get any worse?

Any Forums is now an Islamic board of peace

Faggots have now officially ruined rainbows.


been that way since the 80s I think

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