Why do leftists get angry when you put a magnifying glass on their worst...

Why do leftists get angry when you put a magnifying glass on their worst, but whenever it happens on the right people immediately disown them and distance themself? The left is not angry these people exist, but that it has been brought to light.

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Don't these people just dox and humiliate mentally ill and vulnerable teenagers who share shit on the internet with their friends and then call it "political commentary" or something stupid? Why wouldn't any sane and non-sociopath person be angry at that?

There is no "left/right" but the NPCs are basically the police force for Larry Fink's Blackrock ESG scoring system.
The reason "the right" distances themselves is because Larry Fink's Blackrock ESG scores are damaged so those people are deplatformed.

Are you retarded, or just pretending?

The left doesn't understand what they support. Leftist platforms are all about censorship and limiting what knowledge you can have.

Leftism reality is carefully crafted by their elites, their jannies, and their gatekeepers in the media.

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>Why do subversive ideologues who only want power get mad when you even hint at threatening their power?
>Why are the people who police themselves to play by the rules the ones who consistently get screwed over?
Idk OP

What doxing? I don’t deal in Twitter faggotry but last I heard, all they do is repost retardation that libs put on public tiktok.

Libs of Tik Tok is allegedly connected to Netanyahu through sugar daddy Shlomo Rechnitz. It appears her sisters name is on some of his properties in California.

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Leftists have no integrity. They care about nothing. Anything they claim to care about is a lie. There is only one thing that they live for and that is the abolition of what is good and wholesome. They are, all of them, satanic.

I once had antifa come for me for simply pointing out the hypocrisy in the left kek

Look into Blackrock's ESG scoring system. It will make a lot more sense as to why the massive corporations are in lockstep narrative mode all the time.

You don't get it. Those people that libsoftiktok shows are actually the more morally virtuous people in there group. However Social Activists know that obviously that if everything is a construct there is no way to debate anyone on why it's good or bad to do these things. So they just silence them instead lol because they can't actually warp it correctly. Mind you I don't think social activists are at the top of the pyramid by any metric, but it serves Jews good because it's a globohome ideology that rose from a vacuum of ideas.

They literally just retweet what someone else has already -PUBLICLY- posted

Pick one, and only one. The left is anti-liberal.

Because it's easy to sock puppet your opponents when you examine their worst.

For every retard you find on those shit hole websites I can find some boomer spouting off nonsense on facebook or an user here posting the most retarded shit possible. It would be just as easy to start a greentext of Any Forums account and post the dumbest fucking takes imaginable and go "oh, those Any Forums people sure are awful, hurr hurr".

Just more divisive bullshit. keep hating each other, goy, don't mind me.

The Left plays to win. The Right plays by the rules.

This but the other way around desu.

Sexually assaulting children is not virtuous and the reason they are being censored is because the overwhelming majority of the people in the videos identify as jewish.

It’s often not teens, it’s school teachers. Scary shit.

You're right, but you explained it in a retarded way. Because everything is about income flows and overleveraged zombie corps, Fink has insane power; no corporation would dare oppose something like LGBT.