What are the political implications of this?

I got almost immediately banned for being a tiny bit offensive on a public forum. I think this was a stretch.
Why are they like this?

Attached: Screenshot_20220615-231907_Chrome.jpg (1080x2132, 247.9K)

violence is violence

Oh yes mm yes quite, I definitely hurt someone by saying "anudda shoah"

Bump eet

They wormed themselves into admin positions so they could keep you our, more at 11

*keep you out

>a tiny bit offensive
Try to remember that these folks have seen this phrase from people who rationalize away the holocaust as false, regard natsoc as the truth, and through their support of the latter, unwittingly make the former 0.0000000001% more likely to recur in the future.

Nah....Kikes really are this paranoid and neurotic and insecure.

Ironically enough I know the guy who probably reported me. He's Ashkenazi

I know of them. I always try to slide a redpill or two every time I post something meaningful. I flew too close to the sun today.

It does well to defuse a touchy subject like that in a tactful manner. Banter shouldn't be used unless there's that kind of rapport established.

Yes, I am aware of that. Establishing a "rapport" of yours however, is impossible on a forum like the one in the picrel. I just throw them out there and hope that it causes the thread to derail :D

It's been like this since the start of the internet

It's why Any Forums became so popular and its why every traditional forum is dead. People got sick and fucking tired of nazimods breathing down their neck banning, censoring, and suspending people over the pettiest bullshit imaginable.

It's why people flock to Any Forums. Control freaks tried to worm their way into the admin team here, but the sheer volume of shitposting, the ephemereal nature of the boards, and the relative anonymity has kept it mostly free from the damage control freaks/psychotics cause.

I wouldn't use the term "flock". Not everyone admires and/or naturally needs freedom of speech. The *TRUE* freedom of speech.

>Why are they like this?
>and hope that it causes the thread to derail :D
Oh you minx

I understand why the janitorials would ban me, hell, I'd ban myself if I were in their spot. It's just that it feels quite...diminishing I'd say.

nice attempt at sounding smart idiot but thats not what that word means

Checked but you're the idiot here

Consider the consequence utilitarian calculation of potentially multiple Jewish people (who aren't part of a conspiracy) seeing your post and see it not being pruned.

I get that you want to be edgy on the Internet, that is part of the point, but the math just doesn't work out in your favour.

Thank you fren, but I got this.

What word should a person use to describe that thought process, given that they believe the mainstream Holocaust story?

Thank you Canadabro, I'll be more careful next time.

No problemo. Pleasure chatting!

what forum?

You just restored my faith in Canada. On Any Forums only a Canadian would say something as sweet and profound as
>Pleasure chatting!

Why should it be pruned?

I have to put up with incessant harassment just for being white, but it's ok for jewish people to have special privilege above that of anyone else?

I can't say that. Anonymity and all.

At this point it can sadly be classified as "the natural state of censorship"

What can I say, it was a pleasure chatting. These kinds of discussions tend to be a lot rougher than they need to be.

You've been harassed for being white? That's different, what happened?